In praise of Dopers who don't normally get praised

We all know of one. Someone not particularly prolific, or controversial, or… whatever. Someone who isn’t a Straight Dope All Star, but makes a contribution to the overall spectacularity of the Dope. Perhaps they always have something clever to say. Or a voice of reason whenever a topic devolves into a flamefest. Or perhaps you just like the cut of their jib. It doesn’t matter.

Tell me about a Doper that you just sorta like.
For me, that person is Glee. He lives in the UK and I think he’s about 10+ years older than me, but I kinda wish we were buddies. He likes chess. He likes games. He seems highly educated. He drops funny comments from time to time. To wit: After being reminded (gently) that Sid Meier’s new game Colonization was spelled with a Z instead of an s, Glee responded: “I understand - this sort of thing is why the coloniez revolted…” Now that isn’t a real gutbuster, but golly, that made me smile. And I realized that whenever I read one of Glee’s comments, I almost invariably smile. Or nod my head. Or realize that my ignorance has been fought.

So who else out there deserves a little mention for what they bring to our little thing here.

Vinyl Turnip cracks me up all the time. He’s tack-sharp and doesn’t take things too seriously.

I imagine he’s one of those people IRL who’s probably very quiet, though.

Dopers I like reading but have never told them: The King of Soup and Pedro.

Oh, look–another level to hell. Not only did I not make the big star list, now I won’t make it onto the B list, either… :frowning: :wink:

I find these threads uncomfortable to read–I always feel bad for the people skipped over.

Let me put it this way: there are 3 Dopers I actively loathe. The rest are all a big jumble skills, insecurities, humor and poignancy. It’s a nice mix.

That said, I’d like to have a drink with Stranger On a Train and What Exit? (not at the same time) someday. I’d like to buy chowder a drink as well.

I  like your humour, and I agree there seems to be a degree of angst in these sort of threads. Reminds me of high school in an unpleasant way.

But like life the Dope is an illusion too. There are very few posters who participate in all fora to universal acclaim, and there is a host of lurkers increasing the view count for some reason; perhaps like me they appreciate a variety of views put forward in a largely intelligible (and well moderated ) way.

ftg, AHunter3, and Voyager don’t get nearly enough respect, I think. They’re on the spot with technical information and history in numerous threads, and have likely saved some people serious money in accumulated computer service charges.

I’m happily on the Z-list myself; I was reasonably popular in high school (not bad for a quiz team nerd with odd friends ;)) so I probably undervalue being in with the in crowd.

This thread is SO meant for me! Come on, many of you secretly like seeing my break-almost-every-small-rule-but-not-the-big-ones contributions.

I am consistently off-topic.

I am notorious for drive-bys. (I’ll post a thread and that might be my only post in the thread)

I am often guilty of stealth-insulting theists (I do feel a little bit ashamed of that one)

the list goes on.

This is a hard thread to answer to because a lot of prominent Dopers do get recognized.

I like the Voyager nomination because he has a lot of knowledge about low level electronics and doesn’t really brag about it. He also seems like an interesting person as well.

I will also nominate Miller even though I know for a fact that he can’t stand me. I like his style of posting and I am pretty sure he would like me in person.

I will also nominate Ruffian although I have it on good authority that she can’t stand me either. I like her posting style as well and she seems intelligent as well as mildly aggressive which can be a good thing.

Funny – earlier today I read the Bush Memo Redefines Birth Control as Abortion and was thinking how excellent it was to have JayRx1981 as a member. There have been at least a couple other threads in which I’ve found his posts cogent and authoritative about pharmacy-related topics.

The problem for me is that there are so many others whose handle I recognize, but often just can’t recall – if it didn’t happen this morning, I’d have forgotten the above. I can scan just about any thread and find at least one poster whom I recognize and appreciate. Going over the first page of the thread above, for instance, there’s FriarTed (who, me being an atheist, I fundamentally disagree with, but find another reasonably presented POV valuable), marshmallow (who I believe was on hiatus for a time; I think it was he that posted something in a political thread that made me think, how deliciously cynical), and Don’t Call Me Shirley (who recently had son-induced operating system issues).

Whether they’re “All Stars” or not, I’m not sure…I used the (arbitrary) metric of under 500 posts/year. Again, way too many posters to keep in my head…

Damnit, woman! I just logged in specifically to list you as one of the two Dopers I’d like to sit and have a glass of wine with. the other one is Fairychatsmom – I think she and her hubby and my wife and I could be couples buddies very easily.

[Naven Johnson] I’m somebody now![/NJ]
That’s very nice of you. I’d love to do the same with you. :slight_smile:

I like Miller, too, Shagnasty, although I think he doesn’t care for me, either, but that is due to me, IMS. Anyway, he seems to well balanced and articulate in his opinions.

I want to mention gardentraveler because she is just so darned nice, but not soppy about it or naive. She’s just good folks. She has a kind word and something good to say about almost everything.

I’ve suddenly realized that I have very little idea of who counts as “A list” Dopers.

Off the top of my head, I’m always glad to see these people pop up in a thread:
norinew, olivesmarch4th, Really Not All That Bright, Paul in Saudi, SSG Schwartz, Anaamika, and TokyoPlayer.

[irrelevant aside] I should be drummed off the Dope for my abuse of commas in that post. My apologies. [/irrelevant aside]

If I could hazard to guess who the A list is: QuadgoptheMercotan, Sampiro, tdn, TomnDebb, and I hope there’s at least one woman, but can’t come up with a name (I suck at remembering names). I’m sure I’ve left off other males, too, but it’s a start.

Enamored as I am of film, aircraft and nuclear technologies, I’ve got to give nods to Stranger on Train, Johnny L.A. and Broomstick for their depth of knowledge and writing skills; also Tapioca Dextrin and NaturalBlondChap for sharing their similar depth of knowledge of the petroleum industry.

Oh, and Dolores Reborn for running all those trivial feud games. That’s a load of work, I reckon.

I don’t usually read these threads, and since I don’t normally post anywhere else other than the MMP, I don’t know many.

But I wanna meet Lissa Lissar! She sounds like a fabulous cook and I would love to spend the day in the kitchen and sewing with her. She could teach me so much. And I would get to spend time with her cute baby Nat!

Thanks, Risha, I have always thought I was forgettable. It is nice to know that someone knows my name.

I would like to bring up** fisha.** She is quick and funny.
**SnakesCatLady ** is up on minor league hockey and anyone who can be a fan of the Cottonmouths is ok with me.

Hockey Monkey is probably the Doper I would love to have a beer with. He seems to be the most laid back person on this MB.

All the others I could list have become famous or infamous for one reason or another (and yes LOUNE, and bbs2k, you are in that list.)

SSG Schwartz

I hate these time limits on edit.
I came in here to say **Matt_McL **and chowder. I have had fun with both on threads that I have posted and both have played well. Thanks guys. Those threads would have been lame without your help.

SSG Schwartz

I think Rick and (Hi,) Opal(!) could be added to that list…

/me shuffles back into his corner… nobody knows I’m here…


Hey guys, why are we naming A-list Dopers? I thought this thread was about people who don’t normally get praised.

Who am I gonna name? First name that pops to my mind is Siam Sam. Sometimes I wish he would post about something else, but I sure have learned a lot from him.

Ginger of the North always draws my attention. A fine lady.