Age of Phelps? ...and, Spitz?

I was just wondering if Phelps is about the same age as Spitz when he won so many gold medals at one Olympics (1972?).

Come on, dude…I know you don’t trust Wikipedia but it’s not hard to look up 2 guys’ birthdates and do some math.

Mark Spitz - Feb 10, 1950
Michael Phelps - June 30, 1985

So for the math challenged:
Spitz = 22 (he’s now 58, and looks older)
Phelps = 23

Since I don’t think we can trust Jinx to figure it out for himself despite all the information that’s already been given, the answer is NO.

Umm, if you ask me 22 and 23 is about the same age. :dubious:


From the General Questions Rules sticky at the top of the page:

This part is for Jinx:

Jinx, we often overlook excessively simple-minded questions, and let them slide. But you have made something of a career of them. When the question is as easily researched as this one, you might try finding out the answer on your own.

If you actually wanted to discuss this topic for some reason, or make some observation about it, IMHO or The Game Room would have been a better forum.

This part is for several of the other posters in this thread:

If you think a question is stupid, it’s better to report it than snark at it.

Since the question has been answered, I’m closing this. If someone wishes to discuss the significance of the relative ages of the two, you can start a thread in an appropriate forum.

General Questions Moderator

The mod so nice, he closed it twice!