It's duck season!

As of today, in Ohio, it is now officially duck season.

No, it’s Wabbit season!

Duck season!


I’m a fiddler crab! Why don’t you shoot me? It’s fiddler crab season!

It is not! It’s hermit crab season! Why can’t you all leave me alone?
Slams shell shut

It’s Baseball Season!

It’s squirrel season!

Well, it should be…

It’s tourist season!

Superb juxtaposition of username and post. :smiley:

It’s true, doc. Would you like to shoot me now, or wait until you get home?

shoot him now! Shoot him now!

Does that mean it’s legal to shoot them now?

Duck season FIRE!


Be vewy vewy quiet…

Points double-barreled Remington at Auto


Duck season… How about Sage, a little salt and pepper… orange? Mmmmm.

Let’s try that again.

I’d rather not shoot you at all, instead tagging you and releasing you back into the wild. There is much we don’t know about the migration and mating habits of the robot arm.

It is, but you wouldn’t BELIEVE the paperwork!