VOTE OBAMA-your reply is your vote

Your reply will indicate 1 vote in favour of Obama.

Please, only one reply per poster.

McCain voters can go to here

Okay, i vote for Obama!

I voted Tuesday.

My post is my vote.




Casting my ballot.

Sent my ballot off on Tuesday.



(This is NOT why Iā€™m voting for Obama. BUT: (barring the completely unforeseen in this election,) I love that my mixed-race child, born on September 24, 2008, will grow up thinking it is natural, normal and even old news to have a mixed-race president.)

You betcha!!

Yes we can!

hops on the Obama Express

This one voted for That One.

Already done.

Voting here and voting in Cali!

Will do. And my husband, too.

Vote! (My first time voting!)

Only 11 days to go 'til my official vote!