The woman tree

The woman tree

Ha! That is how I always pictured a dryad

That Birch!

That’s one fine piece of ash.

It’s Twiggy!

HUGE photoshop bullshit.

I’m just sayin.

Obviously. Still, gives one something of a woody doesn’t she ?

I dunno…she looks board.

I get sycamore I look at it.

Yes, but take the picture away and you’ll pine for it.

Now that you mention it, she looks in fact very much like a witch.

I’ve seen this pic before. I think it’s body painting, not photoshop.

Nice knobs.

To me, it looks like a 3D model of a woman, textured with the original shot of the tree, rendered with matched lighting, then composited back into the shot using PhotoShop.

Holy cow, it’s Dryope!

What a fake.

You can tell she had her branchs done. And she’s obviously not a natural birch.

Witch hazel?

Hmm. Word to the wise. Do not google, ‘‘the woman tree.’’ :frowning:

I guess she spruced up for the holidays.

and the boy was happy.

Perhaps an Entwife?