The woman tree

Entgirlfriend’s more like it.

My, this thread has certainly become poplar.


I had a feeling it wood. :slight_smile:

I don’t cedar attraction myself

Maple she’ll come home with me…

It’s about all that’s left, or all I could come up with, unless I branched off onto something else and then you might ask me to leaf!

Why does everyone think she’s not fir real?

Maple she won’t come home with me ,but she might go oak with me!

Acacia have eyes for her, don’t start pining. She’s looking for a sugar maple, not some sap who’s just interested in pollen around, then leaving.

I’ll bet she’s a knotty little beech, that one.

…with arborists?

To avoid splinters, you’d need a woodpecker.

She’s quite a Peach, but that’s no Tree of Heaven.

I really hope she’s not into Golden Showers.

Oh, I thought for sure it’d be the dancing tree.I heart her.

Don’t get the wrong idea, yew no-good nogals and mockernuts; she may be in a supine posture but she’s a sweetgum and not some sassyfras wildgoose. Her sunbathing au naturel is not an invitation to go give her the ol’ buckeye, stare at her aspen or start with the paw-pawing. Besides, she’s still guarded by a nannyberry to protect her cherry and her daddy’s a church alder who’ll give you holly hell before yucca[n] try anything, so you’d might as well respect her privetcy, you hornbeams, sandjacks, staghorns, honeylocusts and blackthorns.
On edit: finally putting my Audubon field guide to N. American trees to good use!

She may be a larch-conservative, but when she gets acorn for some hardwood, she’ll wrap her crotch around the first sturdy trunk that’s willing to shag bark.

Dream on, you scrub hickories. Look on the bright side: you may be feeling lyonia, but you still have your palmettos.


Despite her plank expression, I hear she really has a warped sense of humor.

Do you never explain your links? No comment, no observations, you have nothing to say about it good bad or otherwise? What is the purpose of this thread? Is it so mundane and pointless that it renders you mute and opinionless?

Why are you providing this link! Gimme a reason to look at it instead of just pointing at it!

…and we have a winner! :smiley:

It insists upon itself.