What should I wear to a holiday open house?

The husband and I are attending a holiday open house from 4-5:30 or so. He’s going to wear jeans and this “Baa Humbug!” sweatshirt (it has a sheep on it…most clever!) Anyway, I have this matte silver dress/tunic that I’ve been dying to wear. It’s the type that can be totally dressed up: heels, jewelry, evening bag, etc., or dressed down: over leggings or jeans, with boots or flats. I was thinking of funky jewelry, black leggings and knee high boots w/a bit of a heel. Based on the time of day, the fact that it’s an open house and what my husband is wearing, what should I wear.

  1. The above w/the leggings and boots.
  2. Denim mini w/said boots topped off with velvet v-necked long sleeve shirt with black beading around the neck (plus gauzy green scarf for added festivity.)
  3. Same as #2 with red ribbed turtleneck.
  4. Silver tunic thing over jeans (tucked into boots.)
  5. Forgot about this one: casual velvet dress from Old Navy: black, long sleeves w/v-neck. Would wear same boots or leggings and shiny black flats.

Ok, I need to get dressed in about half an hour. I’ll check back in then and see what you’ve chosen. Thanks!

I like 4 best, and 3 second best.

Have fun!

I agree that 4 is best, and mention that my opinion is based on my overwhelming aversion to leggings.

Don’t worry. If I wear the tunic and the boots, the leggings just look like tights.

Thanks for the input! I’ve got to start getting ready!

The silver thing looked awesome, but it was just too dressy; I couldn’t find the right jeans. So, I’m wearing the black velvet top, the denim mini, black tights and the boots. Plus that gauzy green scarf. My husband is wearing his Yo Ho Ho shirt ,which is funny!