Kway is the Chippewa word meaning Woman not Vagina

Kwea or Quay, pronounouned kway is the word meaning woman it does not mean vagina. It is usuallaly used at the ending of a name to denote female. The word for vagina in Chippewa is “pungee” but you will never see that written in any books. For correct referance look up Anishnabeemowwin Laguage books by Kenny Pheasant. The column Is that word offensive the ansewr is yes, the question was not what it means. And it does not mean vagina. I know my own language and it does not mean vagina!!! No woman that I have ever heard of has ever had the word vagina at the end of her name!!! No one has ever given a name like that at any naming cerimony that I have ever been to.


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Sorry. Seeya.
