"Mommy, isn't he just *dreamy*?"

So asked my 6 year-old daughter when Legolove, er, Legolas in the LOTR movies killed the elephant thing. “I just love his long, golden, elven hair.”

Of course, she’s talking about Orlando Bloom.

What was the first movie/TV/music star crush that you (or your kids) had?

Dr. Ellie Satler(sp?) on Jurassic Park.

She could run away from Velociraptors any day of the week for me. As long as she wore her little Paleontology short-shorts…

My daughter must have watched Titanic about 472 times. She was 10 and had it pretty bad for DiCaprio.

Kelly LeBrock. The hot babe from Weird Science.

Heh. Mine was Lisa Whelchel, when she was on the New Mickey Mouse Club. I was absolutely electrified to see her grown up on The Facts of Life. Today, I’m just mortified.

Chuck Barris, watching The Gong Show after school around age 11. And around the same time, Steve Martin via SNL and cassettes.

Elvis, when he was making movies in the 60s.
My mom said when I was about 3 or 4, I would bat my eyelashes at anything with sideburns.

I also thought Orlando Bloom was dreamy in LOTR. I was even going to name my cat Orlando Plume, because he had a fluffy tail. But my husband put his foot down. :slight_smile:

Simon Cowell, on the second and third seasons of American Idol. I was about 14, and I remember thinking “Oh, this is what people mean when they say they’re sexually attracted to someone!”

Kristi McNichol, back in the 70s when she was on Family. Which was twice ironic, as I turned out to be gay and she turned out to be a lesbian. What really hurts is that I repeated that particular irony with my junior high school girlfriend…we both came out to a mutual friend within about two weeks of each other.

Do I have to be the first to say Princess Leia? At 6 years old, I had convinced myself that I was going to marry her.

Not Carrie Fisher. Princess Leia. The name Carrie Fisher meant nothing to me.

When I was seven I had the hots for Joy from the The Bugaloos.
I thought she was the most beautiful creature in the universe, she could even fly!!


When I was four or five, I remember watching Mary Poppins and thinking Bert was kind of hot.

Probably the iconic Farrah Fawcett poster. Or maybe that was just because all the guys were saying they loved her. If not that then Erin Gray in Buck Rogers.

Kind of a toss-up. Annette Funicello in Mickey Mouse Club or Haley Mills.

Yeah, I loved me some Kristi McNichol as well.

I also had a thing for Holly, of Land of the Lost… ahhhh, the sublime joys of older women! (I was 7, 8 when the show came out, the lovely Holly was around 12 or so).

I guess I was a late bloomer. I was about fifteen or sixteen. Now, this was before videos and VCRs, so movies got re-released to theaters. It was 1970, and I saw Peter O’Toole in Lawrence of Arabia. I thought the angst was so cool. Now I’m just mortified. After that it was Tom Selleck. And I still have the hots for him, all these years later after Magnum, P.I.

Michael Jackson… :o I was 8-9 years old and he was dreamy.

Sorry, Laalune, you must have mistaken this for the “Share your most embarrasing secret” thread. :wink:

Though if you’re talking about the “Off The Wall” Michael Jackson (1978-79), a lot of the girls in my school (fifth grade) had a thing for him as well. So it might not be that embarrassing. However, if you’re talking post 1988… yeah, I feel your embarrassment.

:slight_smile: Well, it wasn’t really a secret. I went around telling everybody how great he was (this was in the early 90’s).

Dyna Girl…totally Dyna Girl.