If electricity comes from electrons, does morality come from morons?

Well, does it?

Ohm… watt are you talking about?

Well, I ask you in return: if people who eat vegetables are vegetarians, are cannibals humanitarians?

Ahhh… there’s noting like a dope post to put the finishing touch on killing a 6 pack, is there?

If pro is the opposite of con, then progress is the opposite of regress, am I right folks?

Wait, hang on…

Only if the moralees force their morals on you.

I’m positive he HAD a point.

Just for the record, I park in a parking lot and drive on a freeway. So don’t even go there.

That’s half of a bad example, as the park in parkway is a reference to the landscaping of such a road, thought to resemble a city park. No cite: I am morally certain, though.

Obligatory -gry word reference.

Having given the matter a little research, I am reminded that electricity isn’t created by electrons, but is characterized by the movement of electrons. So I think morality is characterized by the movements of morons. Like the moral majority, tax revolts, various churches, political parties, religious reforms, jihads, tent revivals…

Man, all I know about is a bunch of damn gangs that live in a round neighborhood!

If an Anglophone speaks the language of the Angles, what does that make someone who speaks the language of the Saxons?

Wait… wait… I got this one…

A canasta player in Malaysia?

I am just . . . SHOCKED!

Thus proving that resistance is futile!

You are the wind beneath my wings.

Antipasto: Against pasto.

Provolone: In favor of volone.

Apparently, yes.