Karate student stomps on man's head, his teacher posts the video on Youtube 25 years later

I don’t know if this should be in the Pit or not, but this is a strange case. A former Karate instructor posted an old video on Youtube of one of his students participating in a karate demonstration which turns into a fight, and then stomping on the loser’s head, possibly killing him. Students dragged the man out and supposedly left him in a dumpster. He said it happened in 1984. He has taken down his videos and his Youtube account was closed, but people saved it and mirrored it elsewhere:

ht tp://www.live leak.com/view?i=e55_1250787987 (WARNING - GRAPHIC VIOLENCE)

This thing has exploded on the net. People in online forums, mainly bullshido.net, have been investigating the incident and the people involved. There’s an ongoing thread that’s reached 54 pages so far: Instructor Bobby Joe Blythe watches/films a student attacking a man in his school - Bullshido - The Art of Fighting BS

They’ve located where the guy, and some of his students as well, trying to figure out who was present in the video. Some people are probably trying to harass them. People say that they’ve notified some police agencies and news organizations, but Google News doesn’t turn up any stories yet.

Well, that wasn’t very honourable.

Man that was fucked. I like how at the point where the guy was pretty much sure to die they’re like, “OK stop, he’s had enough.”

I hope they find the meatheads responsible and put them away.

Is there a debate about this? Like some people saying it was ok and some saying it was wrong? Or is the general consensus that it was wrong?

Because I think being in a conversation where you’d have to try to explain why that’s wrong would be damaging to my sanity.

That’s pretty fucked up.

25 years later. Do you suppose this guy thought there was a statute of limitations on murder?

I don’t think it has been confirmed that the victim of the beating died.

Is there a statute of limitations on attempted murder? Conspiracy to commit murder? Assault with intent to kill?

True but the guy who posted the video may know the answer.

The consensus is that it was wrong. The long discussion thread I linked to is mainly full of people who are investigating the incident. They’re finding out where the instructor lives nowadays, the name of the attacker, the location of the dojo, and things like that. People say they’ve given the information to authorities. Nothing has come of it yet, but it’s only been about a week since people started noticing the video and talking about it.

It’s not known for sure whether the victim lived or died.

WTF that was fucked up, and didn’t make any sense.

The guy that beat him was kind of a shitty martial artist not just from his attitude but he just wasn’t that good, he was fat and slow, and anyone who doesn’t realize that when you curb stomp someone while their head is lying on a metal plate is going to start bleeding seriously and possibly die is either a sick motherfucker or just plain stupid.

It seems like they just brought him in there specifically to kill him. What other reason could they have for what they did?

I suppose they got their testosterone up and decided they were gonna do something about a “problem”. Would that they had used their brains instead. I hope folks get to the bottom of this, and ppl are charged and sentenced appropriately.

Dude seemed like kind of a sucky “master”. I guess shitty training goes with the shitty morals and restraint.

Wierdarron, I’m pretty sure there is no statute of limitations on murder in the US, but IANA lawyer.

ETA: Nice of the guy to date and time the criminal act.

Holy shit. what a bunch of cocks. My guess is that he met one of those guys talking about his 3rd degree whatever, given to him by Jesus, and they thought they’d teach him a lesson. Even so, it doesn’t explain the visciousness of the other guy, or the degree to which the other guys don’t give a shit. I’d love for these guys to get their due.

There definitely isn’t, but attempted murder might be different.

That’s all kinds of fucked up :eek:.

Why do you think the instructor released the video at all?

Get him a body bag!

Sweep the leg.

The guy who was beaten sounds exactly like Don Cheadle as “Buck Swope” in Boogie Nights.

Just an amateur armchair diagnosis but, based on it and the text, because he’s a psycho? :eek:

Oh. Astute observation ;).

I read the text just now, and it says that the police pulled him out of the dumpster behind the dojo. It seems strange that nothing would follow after that.