Republican worker arrested for molesting children.

Here’s the report.

“Bartleson listed his occupation as “political consultant” at the Pueblo County Jail, the Chieftain reported, but state Republican groups were quick to distance themselves from him.”


“Bartleson indeed ran the McCain office in Pueblo and directed the Republican nominee’s southern Colorado campaign, the chairman of the Pueblo County Republican Party told Pankratz …”

Not sure how both can be true. Having read the article, I don’t see much defensible about the conduct of the Republican campaign worker.

Is there?

I don’t think there is anything defensible about it. Liberal conservative, black white, old young, Republican Democrat.

I know how far left this site leans, but isn’t there enough republican bashing going on in this site that we have to trot this out? Do you really think his behavior is indicative off all/most/many republicans, or he’s just scum?

My only conclusion from this is that all Republicans are child molesters.

And they all work for McCain.

And all ACORN employess run child prostitution rings.

He shoulda gone to work for ACORN… G

(See ACORN thread also here in GD.)

See Jack Batty’s link. This is a parody thread.

Thanks. Forgot the link in the OP.

No, it’s horrible (if true). Is there video of him molesting anyone?

What did you mean by “both”? Do you believe that it is not true that Bartleson ran the McCain office in Pueblo, or do you believe that it is not true that state Republican groups are trying to distance themselves from him?

Or were you denying another allegation in the article, that -

I wear clothes, just as McCain does. I hope I am not due to be arrested for not walking around naked.

No doubt Diogenes the Cynic will be along to tell us that this says nothing about the Republican party, so he doesn’t see why it’s newsworthy. And that all of the right wing smear attempts against the Republican party have been disgusting, baseless and transparently racist, in his opinion.



Meh…child molesters can be of any political stripe I would imagine.

The only time this really is a story is if the person is a colossal hypocrite.

For instance that California Rep who (at least partly) ran a family values campaign and then is overheard (recorded) bragging about his illicit affairs.

Liberals have illicit affairs too. It is only really interesting when the person who had the affair had been a holier-than-thou type previously.

Republicans tend to set themselves up for this more as they tend to be the ones beating the moral rectitude drum as a means to get elected.

It says nothing about the Republican party, it’s not particularly newsworthy, and I can recognize a whoosh when I see one.

There are right wing smear attempts against the Republican party? It’s about time.

Ever hear of Robert Welch’s THE POLITICIAN, of Alex Jones?

I’m fairly sure that child molestation is negatively linked with affluence. Poorer men are more likely to become stressed out, they’re more likely to have had a rough childhood, etc. Since poor people are more likely to be Democrats, it’s a fairly decent bet that most child molesters are Democrats. And while I’d bet any amount of money on that, it’s really irrelevant to any sort of political discussion: No, there’s no pertinent link between child molestation and political affiliation.


White people are more likely to be republican (cite) and nearly 70% of child molesters are white (cite).

We could play guessing games all day. Without stats your presumption is completely bogus as is mine.

And now I’m sure that you, no doubt, will hie thyself to the Acorn/Child Prostitution sting thread and state that you no longer believe that the actions of an employee have no bearing on the company he works for.


They might and they might not.

One criteria for reaching this conclusion would be: do the illegal actions of the employee further the company’s goals, or are the intended to make the employee’s job easier?

If a trucking company employee sells marijuana, it’s unlikely that this has anything to do with the company. But if he sells phony log books that truckers use to falsif their time on the road, we might reach an inference that the company turned a blind eye to the illegal actions that benefited them.

Generally Republicans aren’t about pedophilia, nor have anything about them that would really link the two groups… They lie, commit torture, destroy civil liberty protections, ruin the economy, preach homophobic hate while having gay sex in the men’s room, and commit all manor nasty things, but they’re not usually pedophiles.

There is no parallel there to the ACORN employees. They did nothing that would benefit ACORN.

I am not sure I agree. As I understand it, ACORN’s job in this instance is to assist applicants with securing mortgages. That’s exactly what they were doing here.

That benefits ACORN how?

You’re reaching here. Either come up with some real evdience that ACORN had insitutional knowledge of or complicity in this behavior or just drop it. These are real people you’re helping to smear. I know them, you don’t. This right wing portait of ACORN workers as radical, partisan activists is a complete phantasm. Now trying to paint them as institutionally so sociopathic that they would sanction child prostitution is simply beyond the pale.

For fuck’s sake, I’ve never even tried to trash the RCC for the pedophile priest scandal or infer that the vast majority of priests should be suspect. I’m sure as hell not going to fall for this kind of bullshit, especially not when it was elicited purely as a political stunt by right wing activists.

Be careful how much you embrace this kind of tactic. Radical liberals can play at this game too. No institution would be be immune.