Trump Campaign Chair Busted for Pedophila

Link here.

Oh, I guess there needs to be a question for this to be a real OP?

How about “In light of the fact that, having gained control of the Presidency and both houses of Congress, you’re still too busy stepping on your own dicks to actually pass legislation to do the one thing you’ve been identifying as your party’s major task for the last eight years, and now one of your rising, “happily married heterosexual” stars has been busted in a Super 8 with a teenage boy, would my dear Republican fellow Dopers agree that this is about the most embarrassing week you’ve had, since, well, nominating Donald Trump for the Presidency?”


Not pedophilia. The kid was 17 years old.

So another right-winger turns out to be sleazy self-hater, but what’s this shit: "engaging in prostitution within 1,000 feet of a church"?

Why is that a a law? What the hell? This reminds me of Arson, Murder and Jaywalking.

It’s Oklahoma. Where the winds go sweeping through the brains.

Well, even in your provided link, it says that this guy is so low level, that his mess wont really affect Trump. It’s just another factoid to bookmark and throw in the face of the next fool who claims that only Democrats and supposed liberals do such things.

Maybe to make priestly molestation carry a little grace note of extra criminality?

Technically, he is a State campaign chair.

I read the title and first thought was “Manafort? No way.”

Sounds like a horrible person.

But I’d never heard of him, and neither had 99% of America.

When they go low, we go high. Stay classy, Democrats.

If it helps, the increase in penalty apparently hinges on whether that happens ‘within a thousand feet of a school or a church.’ And so I’d figure the lawmakers really just didn’t want people soliciting sex for cash near the school where little kids get dropped off to go to class – and, oh, hey, aren’t those the same kids who get dropped off every week to take Sunday School classes at church? Come to think of it, “after class” is literally the only time my kid stands around for a good while waiting to be picked up by a car.

That’s still kind of jarring, but I figure it’s less jarrring.

It doesn’t help much, seems like if they’ve gone that far should also work in malls, toy stores, playgrounds, arcades, beaches, amusement parks, ball fields, etc.

In other words why bother? The first 2 counts should be quite enough.

State primary campaign chair. And he was arrested Mar 16th, so this wasn’t “last week”. As others have said, this is a local story. Not good for the OK Republicans, but I’m not seeing it affecting the national GOP.

I wonder if the “within 1000 feet of a church” aspect of the law would stand up to the 1st amendment challenge.

This is not about elections and, as a “debate,” it is certainly not “great.”
Let me find a new home for this–perhaps The BBQ Pit.

The basic idea is “keep our good neighbourhoods clean”. There are many places which have laws that add an extra penalty if you’re committing some crime like streetwalking or drug dealing within the vicinity of a church or school. Or you’ll see zoning laws that prohibit the operation of a bar or strip club near a church or school.

this sort of thing is far more embarrassing to Republicans than to Democrats. Republicans, particularly in places like Oklahoma, constantly proclaim the sinful nature of certain acts, including abortion, for example, but mostly homosexuality. Why? Because so many of them are fighting that inner demon that is crying out to be loosened, to be allowed to express their true beings…and, sometimes, this results in very embarrassing arrests and revelations. Democrats don’t tend to say they are perfect and that everyone who engages in homosexual actions is going to hell. Thus, it isn’t news for a Democrat to be supportive of LGBT activities.

Did this even need to be said? I don’t know. It seems like a lot of people don’t understand that Republicans are often hypocritical. Maybe it should be said far more often.

Sounds more like Oklahomo, amiright?

Revolting it may all be, and hypocritical — perhaps necessarily so — he may be, but I’m not that comfortable with persecuting gay acts and dope users.
Let alone caring.

Plus it doesn’t really sound like prostitution at all, more like sugar-daddy behaviour.

The problem here isn’t the gay sex part; the problem is the underage prostitution part. As such, be careful about saying it’s more embarrassing for Republicans than Democrats.

Everyone knows Republicans are often hypocritical. Who doesn’t?

Who says that?

This guy is awful, and unless he’s spoken in favor of underage prostitution, a hypocrite. (Silence is no excuse, as the Republican party has correctly taken a stance against underage prostitution). But this is a law enforcement issue. THere are bigger fish to fry on the national stage, and I hope progressive save their cooking oil for Trump.

Regarding the 1000 feet thing.

We put extra high penalties for selling drugs within 1000 feet of a school because school children are seen a particularly vulnerable to being tempted by drugs, the only conclusion that I can draw is that church goers are particularly vulnerable to being tempted by prostitution. In my mind this law came out as a solution to the problem of hordes of prostitutes hanging around church parking lots just after Sunday service as the best place to ply their trade. :smiley:

Now that is the explanation that makes the most sense to me so far.