What Does This Bumper Sticker Mean?

I had never seen this before in my life, and then I saw it twice today.

A circle. Within the circle, the number 26.2. That’s it. Oh, and the second time I saw it, a circle with the number 13.1, and another next to it, with the number 26.2.

WTF? :confused:

It means that person has completed two marathons (26.2 miles each) and one half-marathon (13.1).


Oops: Editing because I now see that you’re talking about two different people. Same basic answer, though.

Appears to be a marathon badge.

My best guess–something they got after running a full (26.2 mi) or half (13.1mi) marathon.

Wow, that was quick. And painfully obvious now! :smack:

Oh, so that’s what those are! I saw two different ones with different numbers on two cars parked close together the other day, and was totally befuddled. Thanks!

Meanwhile, if you ever see a bumper sticker that says “26 + 6” or “26 + 6 = 1”, that’s someone in favor of Irish re-unification. There are 26 counties in the Republic of Ireland, and 6 in Northern Ireland that are part of the UK.

If you see the last two numbers, it means that they swam and cycled before doing the half or full marathon. :wink:

In case that’s not clear to everyone, 70.3 is the half Ironman distance and 140.6 is the full Ironman distance.

-Telemark (who has a 26.2 magnet on his car)

I see some subtle irony in putting a marathon “merit badge” on an automobile. The car would have beat you any day of the week. :smiley:

Interesting. I ran ten marathons yeas ago, and all I ever got was a lousy t-shirt. Not even that at Boston. :smiley:

So this has nothing to do with replacing the alphabet?

Dammit, people, we need the decibet.

A friend has a 26.2X10 badge on his car for the 10 he’s run. I don’t think it goes through a committe or anything, surely you can just buy one!

For further clarification, the full Ironman is a 2.4-mile swim, 112-mile bike, and 26.2-mile run.

Scarlett (who also sports a 26.2 sticker)

Zombies run marathons too.

Most commonly occurring injury in zombie runners?


On topic: Does it make me a bad person that I ‘meh’ pretty hard at 13.1 stickers?

I want an “0.262” sticker for my car.

I saw a sticker a few months ago that said simply “0.0”

I want one that says “Couch-to-comfy-chair.”

Um, yeah. 13.1 miles is nothing to sneeze at. And many dedicated half-marathon runners I’ve talked to just don’t have 26.2 in them. Doesn’t make 13.1 any less of an accomplishment.