How can we eliminate eliminiationism?


This is a vice that crops up among extremists of all stripes at various times and places. Within living memory, the American countercultural-radical left of the 1960s and '70s was prone to it. (“If you’re not part of the solution, you’re part of the problem!”) In America at present, however, the right wing pretty much owns it.

Excerpt from: The Eliminationists: How Hate Talk Radicalized the American Right, by David Niewert.

Interview with Niewert.

Another relevant link.

Like the old Weather Underground, Symbionese Liberation Army, etc., the eliminationists of today’s radical right represent represent no real existential threat to our society, but still could cause a lot of damage, like Timothy McVeigh did. And, while a minority, they are probably more numerous than the dangerous left-radicals ever were – and they have stronger implicit endorsement from relatively mainstream voices, such as the GOP and RW talk show hosts. What, if anything, can be done about this?

This will probably sound like a dumb answer, but I think the only way everybody will calm the eff down is if Obama does another one of his inspirational coming-together speeches, like he did during his campaign when Wright became an issue.

I only think he can do that because we don’t have any other prominent people to look up to. There are no civil rights leaders like MLK anymore. The most influential people right now are the ones with radio shows and TV pundit shows, and they’re generally the ones propagating this stuff.

Granted, I think if Fox News and Rush went away and nobody replaced them, a lot of the vitriol would go away with it, but there’s no realistic way to expect that to happen, when ignorance and hate have always been pretty profitable industries.

I guess it’d be nice if Billy Graham or one of the religious leaders stepped up and told the populous to cool it.

I think the problem stems from the fact that human nature likes to default to tribalism. Consider how easy it is for fans of Sports Team A to flat out despite fans of Sports Team B, and then transpose that into a forum like politics where it’s easy to inflate the stakes to life and death. Political Party A wants to kill your grandma. Oh yeah? Well, Political Party B wants to kill your mother, and your pet goldfish! Kill Political Party B!

At least we are doing better than Germany right?

People who don’t like to think too much are drawn to philosophies with very simple solutions. On the right you have people thinking that all their problems will be solved if the blacks and Muslims would go away. On the left you have people thinking that everything will be solved if we defeat the evil corporations, or the shadow government behind it all.

I think freedom of speech will keep eliminationsim in its corner as a radical and misguided philosophy. Without freedom of speech you have only bad views (i.e. German holocaust). With free speech you have both bad and good views, which so far has kept the really bad views in check. Regardless of what people may think about the public’s intelligence, people are good at making choices when they are presented with intelligent alternatives. It’s when they only hear only bad arguments that things get out of control.

So as long as people continue to speak out against the hate speech of Fox and friends, I think we’ll be fine. Glenn Beck called Obama a racist and lost half his advertising revenue. The GOP is the minority party and it’s lunatic base is shrinking everyday. There are real political consequences to embracing the logic of Hannity and Limbaugh, and as long as that is true I think everything will be OK.

I feel bad for the few people who died because of this nonsense, but there isn’t anything we can do except continue to elect Democrats until Republican politicians stop embracing this stuff.

Re-education camps seem like a good idea.

Just commenting on the title:

An old joke I used to use was: You know who I hate? Bigots.

Cut off the heads of the movement and let the rest of the body starve to death. It would be nice if once, just once, the crazies went and did something good for liberals.

In general, Republicans and conservatives now are so hateful they’ll turn anything uncivil and hateful into a positive. They rallied behind Wilson by refusing to condemn him and he’s even raising money off of it. Beck and Limbaugh, despite lying all the time and being racist pricks, still draw in lots of viewers. Real Americans, and I mean that in every sense of the word, are fighting against an ignorant horde too stupid to know how stupid and evil it is. That’s why I don’t see it dying off by simply ignoring it. Sane people will have to do something to stop it, what that is I dont know

Looks like we have a long way to go…

Did you read the OP? Specifically this part:

It’s an old story . . .

Well, if eliminating eliminationism by eliminating the eliminationists (try saying that five times fast) is off the table, as naturally it should be, then I think the best thing that can probably be done is improve the quality of life for as many people as possible. Fear is what drives the polarization; not just fear of liberals, or “socialists,” or terrorists, but fear of losing one’s home, one’s job, one’s family. When you’re stressing about how to make ends meet, scapegoats are welcome, and for many eliminationists the President and so-called “socialists” are as good a scapegoat as any.

The problem with that is, at least in my opinion quality of life is achieved by the very social programs that folks are speaking out the hardest against. An effective UHC program, for example, would help a great many people, either by giving them healthcare they didn’t have before or by lowering their actual healthcare expenses. Easing both health and financial concerns would go a long way toward easing the formless fears people have and would reduce the need for scapegoats and thus polarization. But with so much vocal opposition, the likelihood of something reasonable being worked out is low.

Of course, that’s all supposition on my part.

I prefer:


But, it points up a strange and important fact: Even people who are not immediately threatened with loss of job, home or family can still feel in some sense threatened, and even driven to eliminationist fanatacism, by such things as gay marriage or the progressive secularization of American society or nonwhites in positions of power or the perception that their tax dollars are going to subsidize the breeding of lazy inferiors.

This is what happens when you develop a culture in which the government is seen to be the source of wealth and security for all. You politicize everything. You turn people against each other as they squabble over the spoils of government. You take what used to be private decisions and you make them public. You entangle everyone. When everyone is everyone else’s keeper, you have constant conflict.

It’s not going to get better. It’s going to get worse.

It takes a village to create hordes of villagers with torches and pitchforks.

It’s amazing how this post is in no way connected to reality. You might as well say “This is what happens when you develop a culture in which the government is seen to be run by the Easter Bunny.”

Of course, there have been many pogroms in social melieus where government was practically nonexistent. Ask any Jew or Mormon.

I think our system of government can deal with people squabbling over the spoils of government. We have a very nice court system that has so far been a good way for the public to settle disputes nonviolently. We also have things like free speech and other protections designed to give everyone equal access to the political process. So that people can change government policies peacefully and nonviolently.

I guess you forgot about all those things in order to make your sweeping statement that makes all government look evil.

Harsh, dude. What did Eastopia do to you?

Are you kidding? We have always been at war with Eastopia.

:mad: They’re haretics!

Yeah I read it. I also know that irony is a poor substitute for actual debate. Eliminationism fits the Reps to a T. It does not fit the Dems or liberals. Eliminate the Reps, and eliminationism should be under control. With all of the hateful rhetoric coming exclusively from the right, its hard to make a sane case that liberals have anything to do with the kind of evil the Reps have been causing over the last few years