How can we eliminate eliminiationism?

Meaning, I assume, “marginalize,” not “eliminate physically.”

Michael Caine voice and the Belgians.


Yeeessss…that’s right… :cool:

(my bolding)
Aren’t the liberal/left/Democrat always saying that the “wingnuts” are the unwashed masses of ignorants?

Arguably; but not (1) as a matter of heredity or (2) on the public teat.

That’s gotta be my favorite thing you wrote so far.

That’s milieux, buster!

The eliminationists must be flushed from the water closet of the nation.

Wasn’t it the liberals around 8 years ago or so who were stamping their feet saying the red states should go form their own country and not inflict themselves on the wise inhabitants of the blue states?

Seriously, though, I think it comes down to a lack of a common culture and/or set of ideals. Without some kind of unifying thought or tradition, the United States gradually turns into the United Nations.

2004, but, yeah, pretty much. Some suggested “Jesusland” as the new name for the red states (I preferred “Dumbf*ckistan”).

The “Red State-Blue State” meme oversimplifies the picture, however. The geographical division is not North-South, East-West or Coasts-Heartland, but City-Countryside. See this map. (And when the division breaks down that way, the countryside always loses, and deserves to, pace Thomas Jefferson and William Jennings Bryan.)

Ah. So your OP was tongue in cheek. Aha ha ha.

ETA, or if not:

Self-insight might be a start.

:dubious: No, the 2004 thing was tongue-in-cheek, everywhere. The current spate of RW eliminationism is, apparently and sadly, very real – and more widespread than anything of its kind in living memory, even in the hottest days of the '60s and '70s.

They’re only joking. Don’t you get it? Aha ha ha.

Well, they ARE. These people as a whole are simply wrong; factually incorrect. They do not simply have a different opinion; they live in a fantasy world. Europe doesn’t kill off the elderly in the name of socialism, Obama is an American citizen, Obama is neither a Muslim nor the Antichrist; the litany of ways in which they are simply wrong goes on and on.

No; they are dangerous fanatics.

As for a solution; I expect the solution as far as there is one will be to wait until they finally commit violence on a large enough scale or against important enough people* that the nation as a whole turns against them. It’s only a matter of time until there’s an assassination attempt on Obama or a Timothy McVeigh type terrorist attack from these people in my opinion.

  • the occasional doctor apparently not being enough

Best-case scenario: Obama is shot and gets an apparently fatal head wound . . . but rises again a few days later . . .

Three days, to be exact.

… and then we burn the Reichstag and blame it on the birthers …

Will this be before or after he assists in the rebuilding of the Temple?

Boy, will there be a lot of red faces around here, including mine!

Of course, that’s assuming that most Dopers aren’t flocking to take his newly- imposed “Seal of Loyalty”. :smiley:

. . . and everyone has to have that weird red-white-and-blue “O” logo tattooed on their hand or head . . .

OK, that does it.

How much of a cut do you want when my novel version of this gets published?

Hey! It was MY idea!