Oglaf appreciation thread - very NSFW - hilarious pornographic webcomic

A couple of months ago, I discovered Oglaf dot com, and I thought I’d share it with you. It’s a webcomic set in a (somewhat parodic) medieval fantasy universe with elements of other genres occasionally thrown in. It’s definitely grounded in humor, but the fun twist is that most of the strips are incredibly, unapologetically, pornographic.

There are only about 50 strips in the whole collection, so it wouldn’t take one very long to read them all. There are some through stories, but it’s largely unconnected one- to three-strip shorts. Here are some of my favorites:

“Cumsprite” - The first strip in the whole bunch. Introduces the recurrent themes of magic, fantasy, masturbation jokes, and gratuitous nudity. Eight pages long; very NSFW:Cumsprite"Fountain of Doubt" - one of several on the Spanish Conquistador theme, and one of the few strips that is not pornographic at all. But I laugh out loud every time I look at this strip. Probably my absolute favorite:Fountain of Doubt"Simon the Wanderer" - Hilarious unexpected punchline. NSFW: Simon the Wanderer"Fresh Horses" - One of several with the “shapeshifter” characters, who don’t quite get human behavior or sexuality. Two pages, NSFW: Fresh HorsesA few general thoughts on the comic.
First, the art is surprisingly good, considering the medium. I especially like the coloring (check out the Hot Bitches in “Cumsprite”). It looks like the artist/s put a lot of effort into each one.
Second, even though this is a humor/sex comic, the author shows surprising deference to gender equality and modern gender theory. Both sexes are shown equally often in power positions. Men are not universally slavering sexual hyenas, and women are not universally retiring yet coquettish ingénues. It’s great to see that everyone can be the target of a joke, even when it comes to sex.
Finally, the author doesn’t let sex get in the way of the joke, and doesn’t (often) use sex as a crutch for his humor. That is, he doesn’t (often) say “Well this joke isn’t very funny, so I’ll throw some tits in there to make up for it.” Usually, the sex is an integral part of the humor. I find this pretty nifty.

Has anyone else read this? Anyone have a favorite? Or any thoughts?

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My wife and I are huge fans of this strip. Particularly the Arthuriana ones.

I admit though that my favorites are the one with the gay barbarians. Every single time I read the strip ‘Hiltin’ I bust a gut laughing. I eagerly await new episodes on Sundays.

Okay, started reading, and the ‘Fountain of Doubt’ strips have me absolutely ROLLING. The other ones are pretty amusing, too, but the conquistador and his … Helper… Are killin’ me here!

I started following the strip about two months ago. “Fountain of Doubt” is a masterpiece.

“Fountain of Doubt” is one of my favorite single comics I’ve ever read. Don’t know why - there’s just something so right about it. The rest of the series doesn’t come close to that standard, but it’s still pretty fun. Reminds me a lot of Phil Foglio’s Xenophile.

Yeah, this is great comic. I love the Sermon. You with the tits! Keep up the good work!

I’ve been enjoying the work too, and “Fountain of Doubt” is definitely a high point. The latest entry, “Snow Queen” is a riot as well. Also, the one with the King who wanted to drink from his enemy’s skull.

The “Hilting” one killed me when I first read it. I haven’t been there in a while, I’ll have to go check out the new stuff.

Snow Queen is my favourite strip. Although the Cum Sprite’s reward cracks me up to an unreasonable extent.

After discovering this goldmine of hilarious porn, I went searching all over for who the artist was, but it was a while before I finally found it. It’s by an Australian female artist, Trudy Cooper, who also draws a (non-pornographic) strip called Platinum Grit.

Hm. Don’t know why I assumed the author was male.

I did too.

My favorite is this one SFW: http://www.oglaf.com/wolf.html

Here’s a sequel (NSFW, of course).A Hundred Tiny Eyes

Heh; never came across this comic before. Skimming through, I like this one ( non-porn ).

Yeth. :slight_smile: Mine too.


I’m Canadian. I saw the punchline coming from a mile away. :slight_smile:

I am amused.

It’s now added to my comics list.


Also “Fountain of Water So Delicious Even Dead People Want It.”

That does sound pretty delicious. :smiley:

I’m definitely a fan. Wish it updated more often, though.