What IS "I love the fishes cause they are so delicious" ?

NOTE: I don’t wanna see it. I think I know enough about it to know that I don’t wanna see it.

Umm, what the heck IS it?

Random bounce around youtube acquainted me with a series of reaction videos. Went looking for the original video to which they were reacting (before coming across comments comparing it to “two girls one cup”). What’s the “it”? Anyone got a link to a verbal descrip?

I’m assuming this isn’t the Goldfish snack? Maybe somebody else can dive on the grenade here.

I was gonna say Goldfish snack crackers song, but after reading your post, I guess not this time.

Umm never mind


If you think you need to know, contact me backchannel.

::brain bleach::

Uh, does it involve worms?

Dear God. Something worm-like.

Why did I look for it? Why?

This is the first I’ve heard of this. C’mon, let’s not be coy. If someone’s seen it and is worrying about planting horrific mental images, put the description in spoiler boxes.

Isn’t that the song Cat on ‘Red Dwarf’ would sing as he ate goldfish?

It’s a video. It begins with the insertion of small live sealife into a body cavity that seldom contains specimens of small sealife, then shifts attention to orifices of other body cavities and I did already mention that comments had suggested a similarity to “Two girls one cup”, umm yeah.

My searches brought me to a site that loaded the actual site as a popup and curiosity overruled better judgment. I confess I didn’t watch the whole thing.

do not go there. seriously.

ilovethefishes dot com

Arrrggghhh!!! Brain bleach!

(Yeah, I know, you warned me.:smack:)

I went there.

You told me not to. I should have listened.

but, i went there.

I should not have gone there.

You guys are actually scaring me.

I’m not going there.

I am so proud to say that I have never seen tub girl, two girls one cup, and I only saw a tiny screen shot of goatse, and that was because I clicked a link on this darn board and it was on the side bar.

I will not go to see the fishes. I will not go.

I’ve not seen any of them either. Not that it matters because they are all FAKE and nobody will convince me otherwise. Lalalalalalalalalalalal fingers in ears lalalalalalalalal.

Hey, the fact that the grousome material is OUTSIDE the spoiler box means that any links clicked on INSIDE the spoiler box is definitely your own fault.

(If it was me I would have spoilered the whole thing, that’s enough for me - and I’ve seen tubgirl and 2girls … )

Yeah. Or when he fished for them with his little pocket fishing rod.

I’m going to go through life and die assuming this is what’s being referred to.

That was…



Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. Fish.

Someday she’ll tell her husband “not tonight dear, I have a haddock.”

That might pisc him off though, wouldn’t you think?