Across the entire World...

WHY is it that the Tim Geitners and the Obamas and the folks in China and the Middle East and in Russia and in China and in the British Empire keep ON deceiving their populations about what is going on in the world?

And why do we keep giving credence to their estimations of the ‘hoi piloi’ of the world…

We "lesser folks’…

SUCK up every…single…explanation of the Tim Geitners in the United States of America…and every single explanation of British Petroleum about the gushing of oil into the Gulf of Mexico…

While we watch…every. single. person. In every. single. Country. With every single access to money and power…tell us how to ‘think’ how to ‘react’ how to ‘feel’ about voting…while being convinced of, and counting on, the ‘Stupid Masses’ of EVERY country working and working and working and working to get into the six-figure demographic.


The VIRTUE of this form of Economics is to keep the Masses convinced that if they keep working Harder, Longer, and with more Focus, that 'THEY MAY TOO, ONE DAY, BECOME MILLIONAIRES,

Socialism won’t work.
Communism won’t work.

The HARD PART is to keep the ‘Common’ folk beyond the Sarah Palins and the Mit Romneys and the Barak Obamas and the Newt Gingriche’s and the Pat Buchannans and the “Meet The Press”(es) and the Tim Geitners and the Larry Sommers and Ben Bernankes and the Alan Greenspans and the ‘Lovers of Ronald Reagan’…

ALL of these folks deciding what is ‘right’ for the American people.

They ALL have a great big FAIL.

Our Congress People (whomever is serving right now) are irremdiably compromised.

They have all sold themselves out in an effort to keep their ‘Small Businesses Supported by The American People In Their Senate and House Offices’ …to stay there.

There will come a time when the folks who work physically in the houses of the wealthy and those who work on roads and in schools and on police forces who will ‘wake up’ and see they are being ‘screwed’ by their ‘betters.’

Jesus Christ Citizens!

Can you imagine in YOUR job that you can MANDATE, legallyyour “Benefits”?

Your Heallth Insurance? Your Retirement Income? Your Wages? Your Vacations? Your days-on-the-job?

THIS is what your Representatives in Congress can do.

They have ‘Small Businesses’ in their Offices in Congress.

And WE support them

The Bastards ‘work’ about 120 days a year and have US, the TAXPAYERS, support their Offices, their Privileges, their Entitelments… and they TRULY BELIEVE that they DESERVE the billions of dollars that we ( the taxpayers) pay into their Offices in Congress.

They work and work and work and work to HANG ON TO their ‘Small Businesses’ in the Congress.

Their Staffs (paid for by the Taxpayers) their Offices (paid for by the Taxpayers)


Who ARE these folks?
What are the ‘Deals’ they are making with the huge multi-national Corporations that will ‘keep them in Congress’?

We are getting screwed.

We simple, common, every-day folks who pay taxes and look in shock upon the ultra rich who seem to be making decisions for all of us, the World over.


What BETTER way to convince folks that ‘YOU, TOO can become a Billionaire!’

Let’s spread this out, all across the Globe…

Work. Work. Work. Become more Productive. Word HARDER. Work FASTER. Work more Productively.

In the ‘Eyes’ of these effers…there is no other way to keep the masses more productive and more “Hungry” than Capitalism.

‘They’ (the Masses) will work longer and harder and with more passion if they feel that they, too, can have a ‘good’ boat…a ‘nice’ house…and 'beat their effin “RIVALS” in the “POSSESSION” wars.

American workers understand this: The United Arab Emerits, The Soviet Union, Saudi Arabia, Tawain, China, North Korea, South Korea, Spain, Portugal, Austrailia, India, Japan, and ANY group of workers on the Continent of Africa are ALL willing to work for LESS than you are.

These privileged “Representatives” (for whom their offices and staffs are paid for by the American People every single day of their representation) don’t seem to “get it.”

They spend 80% of their effing time trying to raise funds to stay “In Power” in whatever office they hold.


They know what a good deal they have.

Bernie Sanders.
Al Franken
Al Grayson
Elizabeth Warren

Perhaps these four people have the best interests of the American people in mind.

Even THEY know how much the poor American taxpayers are being screwed.
Mitt Romney.
Newt Ginrich.
Sarah Palin.
(And WHOMEVER challenges Obama…)

The “BAD GUYS” are: Alan Greenspan; Ben Bernanke, Larry Summers; Tim Geitner; Hank Paulsen…and yet…THESE are the men who continue to determine the Finances of this Country.

Wake up.
Get these effers OUT of our daily lives.

Does anyone wonder why Tim Geitner does NOT want Elizabeth Warren advocating for the Populace?

EFF these multi million/billionaire folks.

Let’s get back to basics.

Would it be possible to quietly go back to “lurking”? I promise I won’t tell anyone you were here.

Seriously LG - AGAIN?!
Can you please at least attempt to write a comprehensible screed to post the crazy in

Dear Mr. Marx,
You know all those people you want to save from the evil capitalists? They’re too busy watching American Idol to give a shit. Sad but true. So don’t waste your time trying to educate the masses. It’s a hopeless cause. Get yourself a good job with the Post Office and retire comfortably. Life is short. Enjoy it.

Could someone write me a Cliffs Notes version of that lengthy diatribe, please?


LG writes something and it is chick, hip, sophisticated and screechingly “Straight Dope” to denigrate whatever he writes?

Not at all. I’ll happily read anything you wish to present in a well thought out manner with an attempt to actually explain your views, instead of a non-sense stream of consciousness tribute to teenage angst.

Think through what you want to say.
Write down the main points - start with around 3.
Develop a paragraph of supporting arguments for each of those points.
Post it.

I will be happy to read it and may even agree, but we’ll never know until you start using English instead of gibberish.



None of anything I posted in this thread has any validation because of posting history?

What a fun ‘ride’ you posters have.

I guess this Message Board has as much tribalism as any other.


I’m not saying you have nothing of value to discuss.
The point is no one will ever be able to find it in the mess you posted.

Honestly - if you put some effort into making a clear argument, most people on the board will be willing to read it and discuss it. You have not presented a clear topic of discussion or your position on that topic.

I’ll repeat myself…

Think through what you want to say.
Write down the main points - start with around 3.
Develop a paragraph of supporting arguments for each of those points.
Post it.

What is the question?

Aren’t you just wonkingly Superior?

Tim Geitner. Larry Sommers. Hank Paulsen. Ben Bernanke.
The Fed.
Obama ‘hiring’ George Bush’s Economic team. (And therefore endorsing Alan Greenspan and his leadership, even though his “leadership” was heading toward this impending disaster despite his sterling bona fides…)

Obama going to “…change Washington…” and access by Lobbyists…and, through him, "… we’ll be going back to Government “…by the People…for the People…” except…WAIT…we haven’t…he didn’t change a thing…

Is this sentiment so startling difficult to comprehend because my posts don’t fit some acceptable criteria?

The entirety of Congress is so corrupt that I’m thoroughly SICK of both Republicans and Democrats searching and scratching and fighting to ‘prove’ how different one is from the other.

A pox on both their houses.

For your information the “British Empire” ceased to exist round about 1945. It’s now called the Commonwealth.

Because they’re evil reptiloid alien shape shifters?

Oh, yes, that’s why: “Because they’re evil reptiloid (?) alien shape shifters.”

Of course! Never thought of that…

What a knucklehead.:rolleyes:

So… what’s the question?

Shouldn’t this be in Great Debates, or maybe, The Pit?

This post actually starts to make sense if you sing it the tune of “We Didn’t Start the Fire.”

It sure is. Especially when you can’t tell where to start your thread, or remember what forum you’re in(you started this one in General Questions–I’ve moved it to the BBQ Pit).

This is the same, tired screed that you posted 11 days ago

You were suspended about six months ago for failing to follow a moderator’s instructions and insults outside of the Pit.

This is yet another MODERATOR WARNING. It’ll probably be one of your last.

Keep your posts in the correct forum, don’t insult other posters outside of the Pit, and last, get a new shtik.

If you’re not reading/reciting these at your local poetry slams, you’re really holding back.

No, no-one here is doing any of these things.

What we’re doing is inviting you to make whatever point you may be trying to make in way that is at least moderately coherent and intelligible to others.

If you do, then perhaps at least a few Dopers will be happy to answer/discuss your questions/views. On the other hand if you don’t, then you shouldn’t be surprised if people tend to write you off as what Dave Barry calls “a raving spacing loon”.


The reasons we have those criteria is to make things comprehensible.