For Don123 and his fuckwit brethren

Thread opened by popular demand.

Apparently one of the side effects of bullrun’s short stay here was the arrival of Don123, a self-avowed racist who finds people of dark skin color to be ugly and annoying. Don’s also a Birther; he steadfastly believes that the rock-solid documented fact of our current President’s birth in Hawaii in 1961 is false, and has taken advantage of the re-opening of a 2009 GD thread (post 120) to make sure this is known to the world. This has nothing to do with Obama’s skin color and political party, of course; no, despite several times saying how much he dislikes persons who aren’t quite as pale as he is, Don is purely in this for the Constitutional issues. Yeah, right.

Despite having been shown to be factually wrong on nearly every point he has attempted to make, I’ve got to admit our Don is persistent. At this point he seems to have a adopted a rope-a-dope tactic, repeatedly referring to a blog post about some Hawaiian laws birth on birht certificate eligibility that may or may not exist, as if that has some sort of relevance. Oh, and it’s important to note that Don is rich. Yes, very very rich. I’m not sure why that’s important, but Don seems compelled to mention it every three or four posts, so there must be some significance to it.

Poster Susanann liked what she was seeing and joined in for a while, posting equally inane, fact-free assertions and ignoring any inconvenient facts, but she seems to have since dropped out of the discussion.

Then there’s ivan astikov, who, as we have already learned from his writings on the 9/11 attacks, has never met a conspiracy theiry he didn’t like and is completely unable to sort fact from fiction. He’s currently fighting the good fight in favor of rumor and innuendo as well.

In conclusion, it is my considered opinion that Don123, Susanann and ivan astikov are fuckwits of the first order, and every opportunity should be taken to point and laugh at them. Please form an orderly line to the left and have at it, kids

Nah, I refuse to feed the trolls.

(Yawn!) Well good morning everyone! I just checked the referenced thread for the first time today. Nice to see that it continues its high entertainment value. **Ivan **is there with his usual truther-styled hijacks. And our new friend **Don123 **continues to rack up an impressive level of cognitive dissonance and plain old irrationality to go with his racist venom. Neither of them have provided a straight answer to any single question, and neither have offered a single speck of evidence to support their – well, not position, or argument. They haven’t actually offered one. Is there a word for going *la la la la *to all presented evidence, then repeating one’s previous nonsense in the form of a question? Does it start with something like conspiracy…

So I offer a hearty Thank You! to **El_Kabong **for opening this long overdue pit thread and allowing a proper trashing of “**Don123 **and his fuckwit brethren”.

Now back to the other thread to see what hilarity they’ll offer us next.

Don 123 and the Fuckwit Brethren would make a good banned name.

If/when Don gets banned, I’ll say a little “haha” in tribute and get on with my life.

I don’t see what Don123 is doing as bannable: he’s not a troll, he’s just invincibly ignorant. Since we are supposed to be “fighting ignorance”, it’s fun to have him around as a kind of punching bag.

So far, he seems to only be fucking stupid.

Meh. I don’t mind him, except for the whole open racist thing.

As far is Susanann is concerned, anyone who expected better is nutso.

Yeah, I don’t see anything bannable, there; he’s just doing a pretty good impression of a brick wall.

I think he’s more likely to disappear and never be heard from again, having failed to find much traction. Much like those Ron Paulistas from a few months ago.

I honestly believe in a whacked-out conspiracy theory. I have no evidence, save a gut feeling, that there are two or three repeat trolls who have several usernames. Probably a long-ago banned poster who, after their first ban, realized that they really like participating in the community here though they carry a chip on their shoulder from long-ago slights. They would otherwise have post counts upwards of twenty thousand, so despite a few hundred to few thousand posts each they collectively make up one nominally prolific poster.

I don’t believe this is Jr. Modding per se, as I am not trying to bring moderator attention to anything or anyone–I’m saying this is a bizarre, loony, closely-held conspiracy theory with absolutely no evidence, rhyme, or reason. But staying true to the CT nature of this, I’m not going to name names, just make the veiled suggestion and innuendo and leave it at that.

I’ve sometimes thought the same thing, especially since they seem to be so serial - it’s always one after another in a regular procession, with very little overlap or gaps between them.

In case you missed it[

]( couple of posts later Captain Midnight started to parrot the coprophage.

Right, part of his ignorance is his racism. I’ve known racists in real life, and they really don’t understand what’s wrong with their attitudes. But I don’t think that honest racism – no matter how stupid it is – is a bannable offence in these parts.

Don and Ivan are a particular kind of stupid that I find fascinating. It’s like they wonder at the date, look at a calendar and ominously intone, “Who printed that calendar, and how can I be sure today is actually a Thursday?”

Really? They’re the particular kind of stupid that I find really yawn-worthy. The way I see it, whether they’re actually that stupid, or pretending to be that stupid, either way they’re not worth engaging.

Indeed, the stormf**nters would have been around for as long as they pleased. They just couldn’t help going off on “you are a liar, nigger dog!” rants in GD.

I find it amazing that it can be so pervasive. It’s seems like it’s simply a flaw in how they were taught to think. They never learned that poking holes in something doesn’t elevate their pet theory specifically.

I’m sure that Don is a troll by the way, Ivan actually believes his bullshit, but Don is a little too much of the whole package, what with the overt racism and the claims of wealth.

What annoys the heck out of me is that none of these people tried to order their own birth certificate from the vital statistics office of whatever state they were born in. If they had, they would see that they’d be sent exactly the same kind of computer printed form Obama has posted. That’s what you get nowadays.

Yes, but this kind of stupidity would ignore that. They know that reality has a liberal bias.