Climbing a Transmission Tower

[link to video removed, because the video is gone]

Thank Og someone has the balls to do this job!
I could handle the first part, where he is inside the tower, but even watching a video of climbing around on a tiny little pole 1700 feet in the air terrifies me.

That gave me the willies just watching it. There is no way in hell I could do that job.

Egads! That made me feel dizzy.

No chance.

That doesn’t look really safe either. He doesn’t appear to be tying off and it looks like a storm is coming in.

There is absolutely no way in hell I could ever do that job. Holy crap that’s vertigo-tastic. Brrrrrrrr…that is a LONG way down.

For God’s sake, can someone please post a video of a small child getting mutilated? I need a more pleasant image in my head.

Watching that, felt this jolt throughout my entire body, and it’s not going away.

I would rather dance naked through the cafeteria at work singing “The hills are alive with the sound of muuusssic!” while sporting a raging erection.

[Tobias Funke]Me too![/Tobias Funke]

I thought the helmet cam was a little annoying (not really anyone’s fault, I dare say) and that led to most of the disorientation of it. But look at it this way, these guys do it all the time and there are thousands of these towers throughout the world and you don’t hear of people falling off. Therefore I put forward that it is quite safe and not as scary as presented.

I could climb all the way to the top, but not stand on the light- I want a little bit more mass beside me than that.

Oh great: now who’s going to clean this up?

tower monkeys do an important job in this age of radio.

Looks like the video is gone :frowning:
Original creator didn’t want it online anymore.

I didn’t get a chance to see the video, but I often find myself looking up at those towers and wondering what it would be like to climb them, and I don’t think I’d be too afraid after the first few steps (certainly much less afraid with a safety harness!) I’m not afraid of heights, and tend to like being up high somewhere!


Wow, interesting. So he wasn’t tying off like he should have.

Growing up in rural Manitoba, climbing hydro transmission towers was one of many stupid pastimes of my brother, our friends and me. It’s pretty exhilarating, though extremely dangerous. I’m not sure I even made it to 100 feet, because I was hard-wired correctly and found it quite scary. Others among us would get all the way up to the top, which was terrifying to watch.

In my brother’s case, that love of heights was part of what led him to sky-diving.
On a similar note, I was disappointed not to find YouTube footage of the kids from the Kahnewake reserve racing their bikes along the struts of the Mercier Bridge, nor any film footage of their high steel work.

Just clicked on the link and got this:

You don’t say?

Pssst. See post 12.

Good username/post combo, though. :slight_smile:

The OP reported the thread and asked that we close it after the video was removed, but since people are still talking I’ve left it open. I’ll adjust the OP to reflect the fact that the video is gone.

twickster, MPSIMS moderator