The SDMB Knitting/Crocheting Circle

I’ve taken up knitting because I’m expecting a niece and wanted to make her blankets and stuff. So far, I’ve managed to finish a scarf for the sprog and I’m working on a shawl for myself because it’s an easy project, just on a much bigger scale (25 inches or so wide by 70 or so inches long versus six inches wide by 60 inches long for the scarf. I like my shawls nice and big). It’s also nice to keep my hands and mind busy. A friend of Airman’s grandfather is teaching me, so we get to visit once a week for an hour or two, and that’s nice too.

Anyway, I thought it would be nice to get together to share notes and pix of projects, share advice and help, swap patterns and just have a good time.

I’ll bump this for you. I learned to knit in grade school and taught myself some basic crochet to make a fringe for a baby blanket I knitted for someone. I knitted a lot back then but I never learned anything too fancy and I would like to get back into it. I haven’t knitted anything except a scrap blanket I knitted a while back when I was sick in bed and bored. It looked awful but the cats liked it.

I was going to try and take some classes at Joann’s to learn more knitting techniques and also crochet. I’d love to be able to crochet some of those little amigurri animals I see. Has anyone taken classes from a craft store and found them helpful?

Count me in :smiley:

Almost 30 year crochet veteran/ so-so knitter here.

Wile E, you can learn some good stuff at craft stores. I’ve taught a couple crochet sessions at a yarn shop near me, and a lot of stores like that have times when you can go in and just work on whatever and you can also pick the brains of the other customers and the staff.

Another current thread on this topic: Can we talk yarn stashes? Current projects? Maybe? Yes? Yarn! - Cafe Society - Straight Dope Message Board

If you’d like, you should get on Ravelry and join the SDMB Yarnies, a group begun by stargazer.

I am a male amateur hooker. J just finished a baby afghan for my niece’s first, due in a month or so.

The only other project I’ve got going is a scarf for my housemate, which I don’t expect to finish for a long time. It’s kind of boring to work on, and she wants it so big! It’s almost a blanket, at 6 feet long, and expected to go to 3 or 4 feet wide. It’s only about 10 inches wide right now.

My next project is to perfect my design for a crocheted necktie.

hi! I’m a crocheter, and I like to make toys, and I also make rugs out of recycled fabrics (usually, old sheets and such, but lately I am trying “t-yarn” which is yarn made of cut up t-shirts).

Right now I’m working on a scarf, and I have a hat in the queue, and then some more stuffed toys.

I resisted Ravelry for the longest time, but now I’ve gone over to the dark side in a big way (they have cookies!).