What are the little bead-like things you can feel under the skin inside your lips?

If you run your tongue around the inside of your lips you can feel small things about the size of BBs under the skin. What are these?

I don’t know what you’re talking about? Tumors, maybe?

Reason to consult a doctor immediately, I would say. I’m not entirely sure what “BB” is (ball bearing?), but I don’t have any such things inside my lips.

Gees I hope not. I have had them as long as I can remember. They seem to me to be like fat nodules or maybe salivary glands or something like that. I don’t think they are anything nefarious.

And to clarify, I am not talking about the part of your lips that can be seen by others. I am talking about the inside of your lips that face your gums and teeth.

BB= beebee, like pellet in the gun kids shoot

I can go to the mirror and grin or something to stretch out the skin on my lips, and see lots of little whiteheads. I think that’s basically what they are. Occasionally a mass will grow big enough I can even squeeze it out like a whitehead. Mine aren’t the size of BBs though. I can’t even see them if I don’t stretch the skin out.

labial glands

More aptly descibed as feeling like what you would find in tapioca pudding.

Do you have them on both the upper and lower lips? My lower lip feels totally smooth to the tongue, but my upper lip feels somewhat “bumpy.” I’m not sure whether I’d describe the bumps as “bead-like,” more like a texture, and there’s nothing to see in the mirror.

Never mind.

I can’t feel them. Do I need to go to the doctor?!

They’re salivary glands. Occasionally one will fill up and enlarge whereby it’s called a mucocele.

A quick Google shows salary glands are not found in the lips.

I have them. They seem to become more or less prominent at times. They are especially noticeable poking my tongue around my upper lip near where it meets the gum. I doubt they are harmful or any reason to call a doctor.


Maybe you were looking up salary glands instead of salivary glands.

Didn’t mean cancer-tumors. Although I wasn’t ruling that out. I have lots of small benign tumors under my skin–small pea-like lumps.

I wish I had a salary gland. I could use the extra money.


I have these, as well. They’re not on the surface, like a canker sore; they’re underneath. You have to put a small amount of pressure on them with your tongue to feel them. I’m not sure what they are, but I’ve had them for so long without them growing or having any symptoms that I have to believe they’re nothing to worry about. I’ve always wondered what they are, though.

See post #15. They are (minor) salivary glands. Sometimes the ducts become blocked and they get larger.

Tiny, white, round lesions inside the lips are often fibromas. They arise from repeated injury, like biting one’s lip. They take about 10 seconds for a doctor to remove.

See you healthcare provider at you convenience.