WELCOME TO THE WHITE HOUSE - PUSH BUTTON. What does the button do?

Today I visited the White House. I noticed a very tempting button on the fence behind the back lawn (the standard viewing position, exactly in the center) and decided that it was too irresistible to not push. You can find a picture here:


After I pushed the button I thought the security guards behind me might yell at me or secret service might jump out of the bushes and tackle me, or, in my wildest dreams, Obama would step out and wave. But nothing happened.

Not shown is that there is tubing that would appear to house an electrical cable that juts straight out the bottom of the button box. It curves near the ground and heads straight to the right for a couple of feet before disappearing underground.

I googled a bit and found a few more pics of it but no definitive answer as to what pushing the button accomplishes (also, this was the only photographic evidence of someone pushing it ;-).

So, what does pushing the button do? (nothing, obviously) Why is it there? What was its intended function? How old is it? etc.

it releases the hounds

It activated the hidden camera. :slight_smile:

Looks like the doorbell to me.

It’s a long-running sociological experiment installed by Gerald Ford (or, at least, during his term in office). Its sole purpose is to count the number of times the button is pushed daily, and to compare the results over weeks, months, and years. What, exactly, the executive branch hopes to gain from this information has never been clear. Link.

Nothing happened other than that Vladivostok went up in a cloud of radioactive dust. Dude, that was THE BUTTON.

The electrician is scheduled to connect it on 21 May. Come back and press it then.

If that’s what you meant to link, I have to admit that I don’t get the joke you’re trying to make.

I think The Onion may have cracked it - every time you push the button Obama has the urge to launch all nukes at once. Obama Makes It Through Another Day Of Resisting Urge To Launch All U.S. Nuclear Weapons At Once

My guess: when you press it, a prerecorded welcome message / historical description is heard through a tinny loudspeaker located just behind the button. Except when it’s broken, in which case it becomes a metaphor for the decline of the empire, government shutdowns, etc.

Realistically, it may be a relic of a time when the White House didn’t have a 24-hour guard gate and a visitor might have needed a doorbell to summon someone to open the gate.

I was thinking, “Someone you don’t know will die, and a secret service agent will give you a million dollars”

You didn’t receive bacon?

This reminds me of the old Steven Wright joke about the light switch in his house that didn’t appear to do anything when he flipped it on and off.

I really want to know the actual answer. Anyone know?

We aren’t the only ones wondering.

This one says:

Anyone know for sure?

And the bees, and the dogs with bees in their mouths and when they bark they shoot bees at you.

And don’t forget the robot Richard Simmons.

Was it a beautiful, shiny button? A jolly, candy-like button?

Aww, I really wanted that to be the real answer. :frowning:

I’ve sent off a query to the White House Office of Presidential Correspondence.