Where is Wall-E? and Can you name all robots?

Via Reddit, an impressive assembly of robots from movies and TV shows:

You need to find Wall-E and one question:

Was the Tin Man of OZ officially a Robot?

Found him!

Lower middle, next to the old-school Cylon, Dr. Who’s K9, and the bad robot from J.J. Abrams’ production company.

I’d consider the Tin Man to be more of a cyborg than a robot, even though (IIRC) he has no organic parts left by the time he meets Dorothy.

I’m surprised Data’s not on there, since the T-800 and T-1000 are. I’m also surprised to see Blitz from C.O.P.S. and T-Bob from M.A.S.K. on there.

I don’t see Data either, which is a surprising oversight. Assuming we’re not just both blind.

Where did you find the T-1000?

There’s a lot of robots in there I recognize, but I have no idea from where.

Run for your lives, it’s Twiki! He’ll annoy us all!


I think I see two different iterations of Marvin the Paranoid Android, but none of the new Galactica Cylons. And I can’t find any nonfictional robots: It’d be nice to have Spirit in there.

There’s one that’s labeled “QT-1”-- Was there ever a standard visual depiction of him, or is that just a label stuck on a generic-looking robot? And I assume that the beige fellow to the left of Bender is Andrew… Are there any other Asimov robots there?

Oh, and who’s Threepio’s date? I feel like I should recognize her.

jeeze, i recognize maybe 1 in every 5 robots. maybe less. are we listing them? data is conspicuously missing. so is the most recognizable robot in the world (arguably) optimus.

my favorite ones are

Alpha from Power Rangers, Dr. Robotnic’s sidekick, and the Robot Chicken’s jukeboxphiliac. speaking of which, where is the robot chicken himself? also, 3 futurama robots by my count.

It’s the robot from Metropolis.

Also, there’s a new model Cylon a few inches above and to the right of the old model Cylon.

Here’s the silhouette version. Shall we see how many we can fill in? I’ll take the first ten.

  1. The robot from Castle in the Sky
  2. The robot from Lost in Space
  3. Larry 3000 from Time Squad - thanks, Tengu
  4. Maximilliam from The Black Hole
  5. Robot John from Voyage to the Prehistoric Planet - thanks panamajack
  6. Gort from The Day the Earth Stood Still
  7. Chanti from Devil Girl from Mars - thanks panamajack
  8. Ro-Man from Robot Monster
  9. Hector from Saturn 3

ETA: See post 150 for the compiled list.

Standard, I don’t know, but that one is based on a visual version.

And the robot from the Will Smith I Robot is there (next to Andrew), but I’m not going to get into an argument about whether he counts as an Asimov robot…

The green guy with the drills in front of Peace is bugging me. I know I know it, but I can’t place it.

Thanks for that Miller! Yeah, I’m curious about #5 and several others.

  1. Torg from Santa Claus Conquers the Martians - hoo-ray for panamay jack!
  2. The robot from The Vanishing Shadow serial - thanks gallows fodder
  3. ED-209 from Robocop
  4. A Mechanical Man from the Undersea Kingdom movie serial
  5. The robot from the Lost in Space movie.
  6. T-800 from The Terminator
  7. Number 5 from Short Circuit

Wow, there are a lot of robots that I don’t recognize. I like that the two Chritons are giving each other the stink eye, plus there’s the robot mouse from Tim and Jerry, and the evil Bill and Ted Robots. Awesome! Nanan nanana naaa!

Although I have to say that Daleks and Cybermen are really cyborgs as well… Is that too nitpicky?

  1. The robot from Castle in the Sky
  2. The robot from Lost in Space
  3. Something from Futurama?
  4. Maximilliam from The Black Hole
  5. Gort from The Day the Earth Stood Still
  6. Ro-Man from Robot Monster
  7. Hector from Saturn 3
  8. ED209

#3 is Larry 3000 from Time Squad.

Ah! I knew *Futurama *wasn’t quite right, but I couldn’t place him.

Bogus! :slight_smile:

Those are “the good uses” robots that Bill and Ted (well, the martians did) made to defeat “the evil uses”

I’m assuming #21 is the T-1000.

Nope. That’s the cop 'bot from THX 1138.

I believe it is most likely the robot cop from THX-1138:

On edit: Ninjaed by Miller!

No VIKI from Small Wonder?