Only 24 days left in the War on Christmas!

What are you doing this year to drain the holiday of all sacred meaning? :slight_smile:

I’m sending out humorous cards that make no reference whatsoever to Jay-zus or Christianity! I associate it only with gift-giving, charitable donations and good will among men, and, where possible, women! Hell, children too! After all, it’s the winter equinox!

I kind of want to make a T-shirt that says “I’ll Put Christ Back In Christmas When You Put Christmas Back In August.”

Doing my damndest to celebrate the winter festival that the Xians stole to convert into their Xmas.

The sooner we get that Xian stuff OUT of our Xmas the happier the actually good people will be.

remind all non-jews that the correct greeting is “merry christmas,” not “happy holidays.”

So you don’t want a Happy Thanksgiving or a Happy New Year? “Holidays” implies more than one, which there are, not an attack on Christians.

not saying it was. i’m just afraid christians are getting too squeemish to say “merry” instead of “happy.”

thanks for reminding me… off to the pit i go! [whistling]

Happy Christmahaunakwanziaka to all.

I plan to snicker quietly at the dildong who wrote a letter to the editor of our local paper complaining bitterly about people who refer to “Xmas” instead of “Christmas”, which he thinks is a plot to drain the holiday of religious meaning - not knowing that “X” has long been used as a contraction for “Christ”.

I just smile and say “Merry Holidays!”

I’m hoping to popularize the expression “Santa is the reason for the season”, since it makes as much sense as “Jesus is the reason for the season”. Jesus doesn’t rhyme with reason or season… you can put any damn name in and it makes as much sense. Man I hate that expression.

How about a T-sirt that reads

Put the Saturn back in Saturnalia


Jesus Santa Jesus Santa

I am **so **making that into a cross stitch sampler.

Planning my outfit for the soiree Hanukkah Zombie’s throwing.

I’ll order three - where’s your website?

As a big fan of August–please, I beg of you, DO NOT DO THIS.

Give it to February. February needs a holiday really really bad. I mean a real one, not Groundhog’s Valentine.

I am going to fill my house with eurpoean pagan symbols of belief in the return of life in the Spring and even older symbols celebrating the return of the light with lengthening days.

Haven’t got one, I’m afraid. You can make your own.

I’ve been watching a lot of porn in my ongoing campaign to put the X back in Xmas.