Wake up with a belly ache most mornings

Just like the title thread says. No matter what I eat, I wake up with a belly ache once I get out of my bed and get in my chair to watch the news and drink my coffee.

It doesn’t matter what I eat the night before. It doesn’t feel like indigestion or heartburn, it just hurts.

Any ideas?

I have no idea, but something like that would send me to the doctor’s office. If it happened occasionally and the pain was gone after a BM, I’d let it go. But “most” mornings? It’s worth checking out.

I second the idea of going to the doctor. Don’t play around with something like this, and don’t look for medical advice on internet forums.

Does it start with the coffee?

Moved GQ --> IMHO.

I’m amazed at people who can afford to go to the doctor for a belly ache.

Amazed might be the wrong word…envious maybe.

If you have insurance, you (or a combination of you and your employer) are paying up the ass every month for the privilege of being able to get a discount if you decide to go to the doctor. Even if you have to pay a co-pay, I say insured people can’t afford NOT to go to the doctor. Otherwise you’ll wind up hurting yourself really bad if you think of all the money you piss away on being insured and avoiding the doctor.

I vote for the doctor too. If it bothers you enough to write about it here, it should bother you enough to have someone check it out for ya.

Not just a belly ache. A belly ache every morning, and one that is troubling enough for kwc27 that he felt the need to ask about it on here.

Some things you just shouldn’t ignore. This sounds like it may be one of those things.

How old are you? What gender are you? *Any *chance you’re pregnant? (If you’re female under 60, have an intact reproductive system and have had sex in the past 10 months, the answer to this question is “yes”, unless you’ve actually taken a pregnancy test today.) Are you, as they say, height-weight proportionate, or are you over or underweight? Are you on any medications - herbal or pharmaceutical? Are you diabetic? Any history of ulcers, GI bleed, liver disease, gall bladder troubles, constipation, diarrhea, GERD or cardiovascular disease? What’s the pain like (constant, intermittent, dull, aching, stabbing, radiating, crushing, twisting, etc.)? Does anything (repositioning, heating pad/hot water bottle, food, etc,) make it better or worse?

As you can see, there’s a lot of information, not to mention an actual physical exam, that goes into answering a question like this. So…yeah, probably a doctor’s visit is in order. :slight_smile:

Have you changed the time you wake up recently? My stomach is usually unsettled for a while if I wake up earlier than normal (in high school, when I had to be in class at 7:30, I felt sick every morning). Usually I just need to give it some time before I put anything in it and not start with something acidic like coffee. Once or twice I have vomited from the combination of waking up early and drinking strong black tea.

I think of it as my body’s way of convincing me that I should really get my ass back in bed.

I recently went through a bad bout of stomach pains, and it turned out to be Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) that was aggravated by a couple of foods I love and was eating regularly - mustard and black pepper. I take a small dose of acid reducer (ranitidine) every morning, and avoid those foods, and it seems to be working. The problem with diagnosing IBS, I’ve learned, is that you pretty much get there by eliminating everything else it might be.

Is it possibly just severe hunger pains? Everyone says you’re not supposed to eat before bed, but if I don’t, I have hunger pains so bad I can’t sleep. Does a bit of food make them go away?

One thing the doctor will probably tell you is, the coffee has to go - coffee is hard on your stomach.

How are your sinuses? I have allergies, and if my nose gets so stuffed up overnight that my sinuses drain into my throat, I wake up with a belly ache too. If you google “post nasal drip nausea” you’ll see that a lot of people have this issue.

My son used to have a stomachache every morning too–not nausea, but pain. His doctor gave him Prilosec and it made a huge difference. I was surprised because I wouldn’t have assumed the type of pain he complained about would respond to something like Prilosec.
But yeah, if you can afford it, a doctor’s visit wouldn’t be a bad idea.


Yes, there are people who abuse “the system.” Not sure where the OP fits in on that. However, there are some symptoms where not getting checked out by a qualified medical professional really can be a life and death decision.

Unknown chest pain is one. So are unknown stomach pains.

Heh. I used to joke that I woke up before my stomach. All through high school I had to be at school by 7:30 and usually by 10/11 hunger finally overcame nausea and I could eat something. Never vomited though.

I was going to say this. Post-nasal drip will cause mucus to drain throughout the night into your stomach; when you awake in the morning you feel pukey because you have snot in your belly. :frowning:

Sorry, 26 year old male. It lasts for a half-hour if that. Once I get moving it goes away.

I work weird hours, alternate between days and nights. It usually occurs if I wake up without enough sleep.

I only thought to post it on here because I happened to be on this website while it was hitting me.

Doctor’s visit in the future? Probably since I got good insurance but I just wanted to get some ideas.

Thanks mods for moving this btw.

I thought I was one of a rare group with that problem. Usually, if I get up at my normal time I’m fine, but get me up early and BLEAH.

IBS can lead to pain anywhere from breastbone to crotch, basically, and Cat Whisperer is right about how it’s diagnosed.

Weird, getting up earlier than I am supposed to or am used to has the opposite effect on me; I feel famished. When I used to work at the local newspaper here in Flint, I would have to be at work at 530am on the weekends. Now typically, I don’t have very much of a morning appetite; but on those weekends I would be starving and couldn’t get to the McDonald’s drive-thru fast enough. And the same holds true today; getting up early really stimulates my appetite.