Dopers, I need your relationship advice!

Dopers, I need your help to decide what to do about my current relationship. In a nutshell, he likes me way more than I like him. He’s a very nice person, but he’s just not right for me (will explain below). What should I do?

Background: I had just gotten out of a 7-year relationship that ended badly. I was lonely, and did online dating. That is where I met “Tom.” Initially we had a ton in common: born and raised in the same town, went to the same college, liked the same music, had similar family backgrounds, same sense of humor. One drawback is a gap in our ages: I am 36 and he is 31.

We have been dating for almost 4 months. I really liked him at first, but lately, as small things keep adding up, I am realizing he is not right for me.

I should also preface this by disclosing that I am still deeply in love with my ex-boyfriend. But that relationship is done, unrepairable.

That said, here are some of the things bothering me:

He’s somewhat immature. He lived at home since the time he graduated college until a year ago (so that’s like at least 6 years). He has no career ambitions. He’s in a dead-end job and makes crap money. He always complains but does nothing to fix it. He’s about to move back in with his parents temporarily because he lost his roommates. He will barely be able to afford a one-bedroom apartment.

He’s a slob. He never picks up or cleans. Recently he said that when he moves out of his current apartment, he wants to hire a maid because he doesn’t want to clean, even though it’s a tiny apartment and he doesn’t have the money for a maid.

He said a couple of things recently that really turned me off. He has a nephew who is 2, and said he never held him when he was a baby because he was scared, and that he has never changed a diaper in his whole life because he thinks it’s gross. I, on the other hand, love kids, and am a very active aunt to my niece and nephew.

He has no hobbies. When we’re not together, he’s watching TV. Actually that is what we do most of the time when we are together at home, watch TV. And shitty TV. He doesn’t read, isn’t into current events. We have run out of things to talk about.

He also has a questionable relationship background. Before dating me, his only long term girlfriend was a girl he met online and dated long-distance for 3 years. They NEVER met IRL. Never once met, even though she lived only a few states away. It’s so strange. I feel that because of this, he doesn’t really know how to act in a real relationship because he’s never really had one. I, on the other hand, have been in a 9-year and 7-year relationship, lived with both of them, and had other shorter ones in between.

In his favor, he is really nice, sweet and respectful to me. We’ve never had a fight. But any feelings of attraction I had toward him at the beginning are fading fast. Do I try to get it back? Try to talk to him? Or is it time to dump him? I am really scared to break up with him because he is such a nice person and he would be very sad. Also, I would then be on my own again and very lonely. But I am 36 and I am looking for someone to settle down and have a family with. He doesn’t seem like this person.


It’s only been 4 months - you found out you didn’t like him, move on. That’s what dating is for. Dump him and find someone you like better. It’s not fair to either of you to continue a fledgling relationship that just isn’t doing it for you. You’d just be wasting your time.

I haven’t dated in years, but it seems to me the sooner you break it off, the better off you both will be.

Moved MPSIMS --> our advice-giving forum, IMHO.

Fights generally stem from passion of one type or another. The man seems to have no passion for anything.

Always a mistake to stay in a relationship to avoid being lonely, or to avoid hurting the other person :slight_smile:

It doesn’t matter how nice, or perfect or respectful he is, if you aren’t feeling like it’s the right relationship for you, you shouldn’t try to force it to be. I was in the same position once after my marriage ended. He was a fantastic person and treated me like a queen, but I just didn’t feel a spark with him. I ended it, then thought I had made a mistake a few weeks later and tried again. All I did was end up hurting him more when I ended it again.

If you aren’t into him, please end the relationship and spare yourself and him from wasting any more time with the wrong person.

It is not a kindness to stay in a relationship just because you are afraid of hurting someone or of being lonely. The longer you prolong it, the more the inevitable breakup will hurt. End it, move on, find someone whom you share hobbies/interests with.

Do you really need our advice? I think maybe you need us to re-assure you to do what you already know you need to do. You don’t have a future with this guy - if you stayed with him, it would be settling, and you’ll regret that someday (probably not too far in the future, either). Rip that bandaid off and go find someone you have a future with, especially since you want kids and that clock is ticking very loudly.

What everyone else said.

I don’t really think the “never changed a diaper in his whole life” belongs in here. When I was 31 I’d never changed one either; by the time I was 36 I’d changed about 439,382 of them.

I think it’s obvious that this relationship doesn’t have a future.

I wouldn’t hold the diaper thing against him either. I’d never changed one before having a child. I have now changed quite a few of them.

Green Cymbeline, am I remembering correctly that you and your ex-boyfriend were endlessly dealing with the “Susan” situation? How’d that finally play out? Was it a factor in your breakup?

Nosy questions aside, I’m thinking that this is what dating is for: discovering whether you’ll be compatible with someone long-term, and I’m thinking that you’ve found your answer. If it were me, I’d “downgrade” the relationship back to a non-exclusive one and put yourself back out there on the market and find someone else.


I’ll also say this, consider the possibility that your pattern is staying too long, and trying to “make” things work. Just because he’s not abusive doesn’t mean he’s right for you. What should a potential partner bring to your life? How should he enhance it? Explore these questions.

And for what it’s worth, it sounds like some serious time on your own is desperately needed. You are 36 years old and have spent 16 years in serious relaitonships and dated in between? Take a chance to find out what you are like when you’re alone.

*Replacing the Usual “A-hole” with "Nice Guy.

As a Dan Savage fan, I can’t resist noting that the acronym actually stands for “Dump the Motherfucker Already”, meaning that it’s long overdue.

And to the OP, I concur: DTNGA.

Actually, the anagram stands for Dump The MotherFucker Already, not Asshole. (Ah, ninja’d on preview!)
Anyway, how is this even a question? How can you get to 36 years old and not know that if you don’t feel that zing, it don’t mean a thing? Let him go so he can find someone that will be crazy about him, and you can do the same.

This isn’t court, it’s your life, you don’t need evidence as grounds to end a relationship. Just make sure it has nothing to do with wanting your ex back or something. The first relationship after a long term on is fraught with perils. Maybe you got back in the game to soon.

In my experience, once they have that, ‘not the right one’, stench on them, it never goes away!

I also think, you know in your heart what you should do.

And, until you address this;


seems unlikely.
Just one opinion.

Cat Whisperer speaks wisely. Listen to Cat Whisperer.

You mention that you’re 36. How loudly is your biological clock ticking? Because the sooner you find Mr Right, the sooner you’ll have children, assuming you want them.

I do know what needs to be done, I just need some Doper wisdom to help me along with my thought process. You guys give the best advice and are helping me immensely. Thank you. Keep it coming!

Keep it coming? What more is there to say, really?

Yes that was me. “Greg” is my ex-boyfriend and “Susan” is his ex-wife with whom he has three kids, and with whom he was embroiled in a long custody battle. I wrote about it here a bunch of times.

Long long story short. Susan’s second husband molested a female child. Susan defended him and refused to believe he was guilty. Greg wanted the kids away from their molester stepfather, so he went to court for custody. The second husband ended up going to prison and Susan still defended him. Greg got shot down by the courts at every turn. He never got custody. Finally Susan realized and admitted the truth about what happened, divorced the molester husband, and shortly thereafter married husband #3 (an equally creepy guy, IMHO). That is where it stands today. Greg still has trouble co-parenting with Susan, she makes his visitation as difficult as possible and engages in parental alienation against Greg.

Anyway, no the custody thing had nothing to do with our breakup. It was a bunch of long-standing issues between us. Mainly, Greg was very unhappy with me since I had been unemployed for a few years due to illness. He thought I should “suck it up” and work and thought I was just lazy and “not trying”. (I am working full-time now, however.) He started to become emotionally abusive. It finally ended during a stupid fight where he got jealous that I was talking to an old high school classmate on Facebook. (Yes he looked at my Facebook messages when I forgot to sign out.) It was all so stupid.

Even though I am still in love with him, I know that it won’t work between us. Well, I do hold out some hope, but seriously doubt we could ever get back together, due to how much he has hurt me.