Chronos, you've made an ass of yourself.

Funny, with a name like Chronos, you didn’t take the time to think that this thread was not necessarily the best place to practice sharpening your claws. One of the other rules on the board is “Don’t be a jerk.” That means don’t be a jerk. By the way, it applies to you as well. Expect to live with the fact that you have lost credibility, respect, and face.

You should be ashamed. I know that I would be. Of course, I’m a human, not a sphincter on legs.

Well, on the bright side this pit thread will being even more attention to the plight of Little Tassie.

Of course, it’s not Chronos’ job to be nice. It’s his job to enforce the rules. Perhaps he might have been more tactful, but it hardly seems he closed the thread simply to be malicious.

Hey, Mr Cynical – who poured salt into your cornflakes today?

If you had a valid point, I’d agree with you on it. 'Cause ya don’t, I won’t. Chronos was doing his job. OK, so some may have their knickers in a twist 'cause it was about a thread for someone who’s very ill. But WHY go server-slamming by advertising threads in other fora, hmm?

The lurkers would have found the original thread. If not, the OP could have bumped it.

And for THIS you start a pit thread?

I think he’s just angry that Chronos was being a complete butt about closing a well meaning thread. I can handle the link being deleted and the thread being closed, but he didn’t need to make it seem like a huge sin or anything.

Firstly, you’re both entitled to your opinions. So am I.

Andros, I can understand closing the thread. I can even understand deleting the link. I cannot buy, however, the comments posted therein, which served merely to antagonize an obviously emotional subject.

And of course I start a pit thread for this, Ice Wolf. This is the appropriate forum. The question that is more to the point is: Why do you need to ask? Chronos would have been doing his job if he had closed thread and deleted the link. Making inflammatory comments like those were unnecessary, and served to do nothing except for piss me off.

I concede your point, Mr Cynical. Indeed, Chronos might have tried to be a little more tactful, but he was also doing his job. (May have already been having a shitty day. Guess we’ll never know.)

And has been said before – in opening this thread, you’ve just publicised the cause. For that – well done!


Clearly, offense was inferred. IMO, none was implied.

Well, he wasn’t all warm and fuzzy about it, but you can’t fault him locking the thread.
Maybe if he had a woman’s touch like Gaudere everything would have been OK.


And as I stated before, you and I are both entitled to our respective opinions. You yourself said that he could perhaps have been more tactful, which implies agreement with the heart of the matter. Dig?

Nope. You inferred agreement. I did not imply it. A lack of tact, while possibly irritating to the thin-skinned, does not automatically mean malicious intent.

He pissed you off. Fine. My point is simply that I do not believe he intended to. But as you have pointed out, you are of course welcome to believe it if you wish.

And, of course, the OP of that thread could have followed the rules of the message board, instead of saying, “I know this thread breaks the rules, but I’m posting it anyway.”

So, are you going to continue your civility jihad now that Lynn has made the same point?

Thanks Chronos. I really needed that. You know what? When I said “Hope the powers-that-be will disregard this slight derogation to the rules…”, I wasn’t even aware that I had broken one of the cardinal rules concerning ‘crossposting’: in my feeble mind, I was derogating because I did not have a specific question to submit or topic to put to a debate. Period. I didn’t go through the rules before posting this. It was a spontaneous gesture. First time I ever did this and believe me, LAST TIME.

Sweet Jesus! Why didn’t you just fucking close the damn thread with a simple line or so – for my edification and that of the few other SD members who, like myself, might not have been aware of crossposting and its dire implications – saying that crossposting was contrary to the RULES.

I have NOTHING against you for closing the thread. I have EVERYTHING against you for the jackass manner in which you did it.

I’ll be off now, promising never to sin again.

Don’t bother.
P.S.: Mr. Cynical, thanks for starting the thread. I definitely would have, had you not.

That really was a nice spanking.

Whoa, my compadre is a jackass, a complete butt and a walking sphincter! How come nobody told me this?

Bull-motherfucking-asswiping-shit, Cyn.

Is it okay for someone to make a sockpuppet just because they’re “well-meaning”? What if Serlin were to come in and say “My mom has cancer.” Would that be okay?

Rules is rules is rules is rules is fucking rules. It doesn’t matter if the intentions are good… the road to hell is paved with those.

Ankh_Too: Yes I am going to continue, thank you for asking. If you care to notice, Lynn’s post was not rude. It was direct, and informative. This is pretty much the opposite of Chronos’ posting.

Andros: If you did not leave an open implication, how could I make an inferrence from it? Perhaps you could have been more clear in your statement. The thin-skinned appear, in this case, to be more lucid than the thick-headed.

JillGat: Go read the thread. See how it was closed. You make the call. If, that is, you’re capable of being impartial in this matter.

Chronos still needn’t be a jerk about enforcing them. In this case, civilty would’ve been easier, but he spent extra effort to rub Omni-not’s face in the rules. NOT nice, and very likely, not necessary.

How was he a jerk? By saying the word “forbidden” three times (oh no! Beetlejuice!)? By mentioning a potential E-mail from Tubadiva?

The message was loud and clear: “Don’t cross-post. It’s a no-no.” Chronos didn’t say “You’re a moron”. Chronos didn’t say “You’re an idiot.” Chronos said “Don’t cross-post.”

His job is to enforce the rules, not to run a fucking day care center.