Ok, I'll start this week's MMP

Good Mornin’ Y’all! Up and caffienatin’. YAWN 'Tis 57 Amurrkin out with a predicted high of 73 and a promise of rain and tstorms. We shall see.

Tonight is men’s night over to the church house. Thus I have steaks marinatin’ and beer chillin’. I always enjoy this and look forward to it each month. It’s always the third Monday night of the month unless we change it, which happens occasionally. A change occurs, say if the third Monday of the month falls durin’ Holy Week. One cannot have revelry durin’ Holy Week so we’d change to the fourth Monday night. Yeah, I know, like anybody cares but this is the MMP where we can, do and will post anything. So There!:stuck_out_tongue:

Since I suppose we need some kind of a topic, I propose this. Do any of y’all have sump’n you look forward to doin’ each month or each week even? I’m talkin’ an activity or event you really like doin’. Do share.

Now I need more caffiene and rumbly tummy wants to be fed. Then, alas and alack, 'tis Monday so irk purtification must commence.

Happy Monday Y’all! Hijack away!:smiley:

Oh and there’s this to start us off…



Good morning!!

And thanks for starting my day off with a bummer… I have NOTHING to look forward to… EVER!!! :stuck_out_tongue:

We don’t belong to any organizations, so there are no meetings or activities. I no longer take classes. Oh, wait, Thursday is dinner with daughter night - that counts! When she moved out, we asked her to pick a day of the week to have dinner with us so we’d see her regularly. So that’s my thing - Thursdays, I have to cook a real meal and our baby stops on her way home after work and we do the fambly thing. yay!

**FCD was still in bed when I left. I heard him coughing thru the night (he slept in the guest room so as not to infect me, but I’ve been coughing, so it’s probably too late…) I’m pretty sure he’s not going to Johnstown today. But I’m in my cubicle ready to start the day. It was a foggy drive in, and I think a dreary day is predicted. Another day in paradise!
Happy CatDude Day!!!

Happy Monday!!

2nd. Off to irk.

Happy Birthday CatDude!!!


Happy Birthday, CatDude!


Today is somebody’s birfday?

Happy Birthday CatDude!

swampbear, I’m not a man, but steaks and alcohol sounds like fun. Throw in some potatoes, and I’m there.

I’ve been depressed all weekend and just decided to work from home because I don’t much feel like driving 90 minutes to work. I missed my meds two days in a row and then missed a pill yesterday. Ugh. I feel like the time would better be spent meditating and trying to get centered a little bit so I can put in some good effort this week. This is the last week before Christmas break, too - going home to Michigan for Christmas. I’d be lying to say I wasn’t a little anxious.

Happy Birthday, CatDude!

Hope you feel better soon, Olives. This may not make you feel any better (but it always does for me) but at least you know why you are depressed. Having a sudden onset of depression and not being able to figure out the reason really stresses me out into a vicious cycle. Depression sucks mightily either way.

What do I look forward to? Hmmm… I’ll have to think about that. Today I look forward to a doctor’s appointment and a walk around campus if it’s not pouring down the rain when I get there. Oh, and meeting someone while I’m there to sell him a couple of fork pins. And then, home for more house cleaning!:slight_smile:

Morning all,

Happy Birfday CatDude

Swampy, what you marianatin’ your cow in?

Gonna be a sloooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooow week at work. I hates the week before a holiday.

Is it nap time yet? zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

MOOOOOOM seein’ FCDaughter on a weekly basis counts. It’s sump’n you look forward to and even have to anticipate since you have to cook.

Jynx I use Dell’s Marinade, [sup]TM[/sup] a little salt, a little black pepper and a little garlic powder. Always does the trick for me. Should I be out of the marinade, I’ll use a little soy sauce and wazzizhere sauce which works as well.

Does Jynx know what “wazzizhere” sauce is? :smiley:

No Jynx does not know what wazzizhere sauce. Please edjumicate the ignorate newish Mumper? Pitty pitty pease? :slight_smile:

I have made it to the MMP, and on a Monday too! I didn’t even get time to read it last week as this place was so crazily busy.

Happy birthday, MrCatDude!

It’s the last week before holidays here too, the campus closes on Friday until after new year so we get a nice long break. Mine will be largely unpaid as I have only got 3 days’ holiday left and have to take public holidays out of that too. Oh well, at least I have a job, right?

Things that I look forward to…well, every Wednesday it’s pub night with a couple of friends so that is always fun. Friday afternoon because it’s the start of the weekend, and of course Saturday’s lie-in and that moment when you wake up and realise that it’s Saturday and you don’t have to get up immediately.

This week I am the only person in the office, and there are very few other people around. By Friday I might well be the only one left in the building! There will be a distinct echo in the Philosophy dept…

Worcestershire sauce :stuck_out_tongue:

Pronounced whazzizhere sauce. :smiley:

That’ll be Worcester sauce to us Brits then!

Hippo Birdies
na na na na na na na na

Happy birfday CatMan!

I look forward to every other Wednesday. That is therapy day and just thinking about talking about my issues relaxes me. When I was learning to ride (horseback ride) I looked forward to Thursdays because that was lesson night. So Thursdays are still my favorite day. And now that I have my own horse, I can go to the barn EVERY day (but I don’t).

I saw the Rockettes Christmas Spectacular yesterday and it was spectacular. So festive and pretty and cool music and such dancing. The March of the Wooden Soldiers was my favorite number. Then off to dinner where I had a Laaaaawn Guyisland Ice Tea, filet medallions with cheese crust, asparagus and apple crumble. Later last night I had indigestion. Gee, I wonder why???

Too far down the list to count -----------

Almost every other Monday a local gin-mill has what they call either Bad Movie Monday or Cult Cinema Classic ----- the name varies from time to time. Basically its like a cross between Rocky Horror and MST3K. We all have a good dinner, drink a bit and rip the movie a new arse out loud. For some we’ll even go further overboard - for “Glenn or Glenda” almost every guy there was in drag. Its one of those things basically so dumb its addictive.


Where’s a light bulb smiley when you need one!