Could a Person Jump Into Their Pants (While Holding Them)?

Question that has ocasionally popped into my head over the years (invariably while putting on my own pants):

Could a very athletic and flexible person hold their pants in front of them, leap into the air, and come down with their legs all the way through? Or is this beyond human ability?

(I suppose it would better to try this with loose pants, if someone is thinking of it.)

Here’s a video of a bunch of people trying it.

Some of them kinda succeed with shorts. They have a much greater rate of success when someone else holds the pants.

I am pretty sure I could do it with Boxers. At least when I was younger.

So I would imagine I could do it with Sweat pants if I rolled the cuffs so they are as short as boxers.

Parachute pants. The key to success would be parachute pants.

This is how you become a superior being: a man who does not put his pants on one leg at a time, like everybody else. :wink:

Clown pants. Any clown can do it.

I’d bet a person could twist their ankle while trying to jump into their pants while holding them. Close enough?

I’d be more impressed if you could jump out of your pants while holding them.

And I’d be more impressed if you could jump into someone else’s pants while holding them.

Saw Jackie Chan do it in a movie, can’t rememer which one.

Seems confirmed, given the number of youtube vidoes.

What? You’re not going to give us a link to even one video? :frowning:

I don’t see why one couldnt.

If you can jump rope you can jump into pants.

So… Can you jump rope? Yes?
We’re anxiously awaiting the video of you jumping into your pants. :stuck_out_tongue:

My little brother, a natural contrarian, determined that he would NOT put his pants on one leg at a time, so he…

…sat on the edge of the bed, and pulled his pants up both legs simultaneously. JUST so he could always respond to that quip with, “Actually, no, I DON’T put my pants on one leg at a time, like any other man.”

When I was young I always put on pants that way. Not out of defiance, it just seemed natural to me. The first time I heard the “one leg at a time like everyone else” line my first thought was “Why would anyone put on pants one leg at a time?” Of course, I discovered when I got taller that putting pants on that way wasn’t so easy anymore.

I can do it!

But it requires a loose interpretation of the Op’s question.

…and a cliff

…and, if it’s not over water I can only do it once

What about a quarry?

Here they are. I saw George Carlin walking thru the Detroit airport in a pair of these the week before he died. Definitely a guy who didn’t put his pants one leg at a time like us other smucks.

Too many rocks flying around