Ask the Nihilistic Anarchist with unpopular ideas about the world

Seems like everyone is doing these and it’s a good way to clock some posts on boring evenings.

So ask away… not that I care… :wink:

— G. Raven

Ok, I’ll start. What’s a nihilistic anarchist? After that I suppose we could move into your feelings on the near impossibility of seperating the political philosophy of no central government from the idea that anarchy means to carry on like a bunch of hooligans.

Whaddaya think…the blue-green striped necktie, or the maroon one with the little fleur-de-lyses on it?

Do you believe that the total break down of organized society would be a good thing, or is that more of the “idealistist yet unobtainable” goal you’re shooting for?

Do you believe you would be a good juror in a criminal or civil case?Would you willingly participate?

Can I have a cookie?


First of all, this thread is of course very cynical and all over the place, but that’s me. When it boils down to it I just have some wacky ideas, I don’t really believe in them as much as I chose them (Nihilist, remember).

Blackclaw: A nihilistic anarchist is someone who really believes in nothing, but is willing to burn down the current system to some unknown ends. And for kicks.
No central government means a total relapse to nature, “Gorilla life”, and I don’t pretend to have any idea how that would work out for us. It just interests me, which is a rare thing.

Ukulele Ike: No.

It would certainly be an inherently bad thing for society, since it basically means the end of it. It would be more true to ourselves and to nature, but basic comforts and things we take for granted today would be gone.
We may take it for granted, but in certain ancient societies virtual Anarchy was taken for granted.
The bottomline is that it would still be the rule of the weak over the strong, just like it is today, but based on more basic attributes than political skills or a facility for making money.
Basically I don’t think anarchy is any more or less obtainable than true justice and democracy, we are after all dependant on what we posess over others to succeed in any way. Meaning: it’s impossible to go all the way, either way.
Which way to go doesn’t matter (nihilist in me) but the most interesting to me is total individual freedom to do what I want (the anarchist in me). I guess I just don’t like being pushed around (anarchist). Not that I really care (nihilist) :wink:

Define good and bad. For me it would be very good, because I would probably have fun hanging the jury or getting someone off. For the defendant (who could very well be innocent anyway) it would also be good.
For society, it would most definitely be bad. But I’d do it anyway.

Bosda Di’Chi of something or other:
Of course. I it pleases me to give, so I do it as much as I can. One should basically just do what makes them feel good, no?
Hope this informed/puzzled someone.

— G. Raven

Hmn, I just noticed some pretty bad English in my last post, sorry about that. I wrote it too fast, too involved in irc chat and too hungover.
— G. Raven


Don’t believe in anything? Well then in the long term you don’t really matter and any damage you cause will be very limited. You’re no threat to any system.


You want to go live like an animal then be my guest. I hope you don’t piss and moan when the big boys decide to burn down whatever it is you’ve built.


It would be more true to ourselves and to nature? You mean it isn’t within our nature to build cities and live in them? Wow, I guess we’ve been doing wrong for the past 10,000 years. Tell you what, why don’t you go try living like an animal for a year and let me know how you like it.


Which ones?


So you don’t care until someone comes and puts the smack down on your ass? Maybe you need to refine your philosophy beyond this self destructive crap. But what the hell. You don’t matter and I guess you don’t care that you don’t matter. That’s ok.


You don’t happen to be a poet do you?

Blackclaw, as near as I can figure:
ANARCHY is a state of chaos or disorganization.
ANARCHISM is the political philosophy of no central government.
Not the same thing.
IMHO, Anarchism is not necessarily bad, but anarchy is–as is nihilism.

“Even revolutionaries love chocolate chip cookies.”

– Garry Trudeau, 1972

Uke, carefully knotting both neckties around his collar

*Originally posted by MGibson *


*Don’t believe in anything? Well then in the long term you don’t really matter and any damage you cause will be very limited. You’re no threat to any system. *

Read the OP. “Unpopular ideas” are obviously not dangerous to society. This I know. I’m not out to destroy anything, but I’d sure have fun if I could. Dude.
And in the long torm NOTHING really matters, it’s not just the body sitting at his computer and typing these words that’s pointless.


*You want to go live like an animal then be my guest. I hope you don’t piss and moan when the big boys decide to burn down whatever it is you’ve built. *

If I couldn’t kill them, they’d probably kill me. What’s the difference anyway? You could ruin my life with a handful of cash and lawyers right now if you wanted to. Taking things to their most rudimentary levels doesn’t change the fact that the only thing we have going for us is some inherent superiority over others, be it in sports, music or programming skills.
That’s the difference between being able to control your life and not: what you are born with and what you can do with it. To be honest I’m not sure if I would even care if things were more or less rudimentary, more “evolved” or less. Maybe I just felt like stirring up some ideas, and it looks like I did.


*It would be more true to ourselves and to nature? You mean it isn’t within our nature to build cities and live in them? Wow, I guess we’ve been doing wrong for the past 10,000 years. Tell you what, why don’t you go try living like an animal for a year and let me know how you like it. *

True was a wrong word, truth is far too objective to be subject to philosophical scruitiny. You have raised a very valid point, I concede mine.
However, I think you should go back and read my post more clearly if you want to grasp what I’m saying with the animal thing. We’d probably be happy living as animals if we hadn’t been raised in a human culture, and of course I would probably die pretty quickly in the woods. But then, I am weak, and Darwin works in brutal ways.
My posts were more or less meant to illustrate alternatives, rather than make any moral judgment about them. I failed.


Which ones?

Any society, just go back far enough in time and you’ll find lots of homo sapiens sapiens with no concept of what we think of as the “human way of living”.


*So you don’t care until someone comes and puts the smack down on your ass? Maybe you need to refine your philosophy beyond this self destructive crap. But what the hell. You don’t matter and I guess you don’t care that you don’t matter. That’s ok.

:wink: <— sign of humor being applied

On a personal level I don’t care about anything BUT my security, that’s intrinsic to mostly all life. That’s not to say my hopes and dreams mean anything to anyone else, so what is the point of maintaining that I am at the center of the universe?
I dislike being treated unfairly, but I can’t say I believe it matters one bit.

And you’re damned right it’s “self destructive crap”, my best friend had almost identical views and he’s dead.

What can I say? It’s not working out for me, but who cares about life anyway? Death is the only permanent and we all end up just as dead. I think I can easily pass my time untill then.


— G. Raven

Actually, yes, if you want to call it that. But like you’ve probably guessed, all my stuff makes people want to kill themselves after they read the first page.

This is causing me some problems in building a following among the living, so I won’t hold my breath, so to speak.

I also detest actually writing text, but then I detest doing most things. I really like playing with puppies though, so the human in me shines through once in a while.

— G. Raven

If they are soft and chewy, I might even prefer them to an actual revolution. Too bad no one seems to make really good cookies any more.

Oh, and if anyone is wondering if I know how often I condradict myself, I do. Can’t say I really care though :wink:

— G. Raven


By what standard does nothing matter?


I don’t think humans can be happy living like animals. I know of no culture that currently lives like animals nor can I think of one that existed for the past few millenia.


Darwin doesn’t work at anything. If you mean natural selection then I’m pretty sure it is working just fine right now.


Which society? Even pre civilization human beings didn’t live like animals.


Well I’m the center of my own life but I realize that doesn’t make me the center of the universe.


Why, if it doesn’t matter?

Well it sounds like you’re in for a rather sad life. But I’m sure you can change that any time you’d like.


You need to try and seperate my feelings from my ideas.

One is intellectual and can be controled, the other is emotional and cannot.
I FEEL fear of being killed by a gang of anarchists, but I cannot KNOW that it really changed anything.

To answer the other question, my idea of a standard of “mattering” is perhaps different from yours, explaining our problems in seeing eye to eye on this matter. To me nothing is consequential, because everything ends at the same point and in the same way. Anything we do untill then is killing time. IMHO, that is.
— G. Raven

p.s. I wouldn’t know if my life is sad or not, since it’s the only one I’ve ever had. I can’t say I enjoy it one bit, but perhaps I would enjoy it even less under other circumstances (war and famine come to mind), thus rendering my observation of it’s relative sadness meaningless. Indeed I could be having the best possible time of my life right now and not even know it, now there’s something to live for.

OK, but does it matter if it matters? :stuck_out_tongue:

please disregard this post…

IMHO, nothing really matters! The signifigance is all in the opinion of the people who experience the “thing” that we’re talking about…

I refuse to disregard it Astro, as it’s a valid (if a little alcohol induced) question. :smiley:
Anything mattering or not mattering has to be a personal feeling/oppinion about the world. Hence, if something does not matter to you, it is unimportant by definition.

Hope that answers your question and gives you a nasty headache when you read this during your inevitable hangover tomorrow :smiley:

*Morrison lifts glass of Tsingtao beer
Cheers, mate :wink:

— G. Raven

I refuse to disregard it Astro, as it’s a valid (if a little alcohol induced) question. :smiley:
Anything mattering or not mattering has to be a personal feeling/oppinion about the world. Hence, if something does not matter to you, it is unimportant by definition.

Hope that answers your question and gives you a nasty headache when you read this during your inevitable hangover tomorrow :smiley:

*Morrison lifts glass of Tsingtao beer
Cheers, mate :wink:

— G. Raven