Has Britney Spears manly arms?

I just realized her arms looks very muscular in some pics






Reported for forum change.

No matter what forum, toned female arms are not manly looking.


Moved from General Questions to IMHO.

samclem, Moderator

She’ll kick your ass for this one, Danny.

Looks away

He must have tripped or fallen down.

I don’t think son, men are stronger

BTW, all those images look like they have been PhotoShopped.

Why do you think this? I’m sure isn’t.

She has a sturdy, athletic (if she’s working out) muscular build. She has a thick neck, and muscular arms and shoulders and strong legs. She can dress to de emphasize these features, but no she’s not particularly slender or gracile.

Esthetically I prefer her look to more skinny or slender build.

Poor Britney. She got shit when she was “fat”. Now she’s getting shit for having muscles. The child can’t win.

Do you think she looks too muscular in some these pics that I’ve posted? In which pic do you think she looked more muscular?

My mistake, I looked at two quickly and the biceps looked a bit different than the sleeves but I think I just didn’t look close enough.

How muscular is too muscular? I can understand people have differing views on that but IMO nothing about the photos posted come anywhere close to “too” anything. Either way, it’s not masculine or feminine - it’s fit and athletic. I think she looks great in those photos.

tone != bulk

You know, the only reason I clicked on this thread - I don’t care about Britney’s arm tone - was the phrasing of the OP title.

“Has Britney Spears manly arms?”

Still can’t quite parse the phrasing…but, in looking, no, she hasn’t…

IMO, ‘too muscular for a woaman’ it’s when she looks as strong as average male than don’t works out or areN’T into sports.

She has always had short, thickish limbs.

Wow. That’s a low bar you’ve set there.

Right. She can’t even get away from people thinking of her as a child, and she’s been trying really hard on that.