Where's a good place to hide a key?

My dad is moving away soon, after which I will have no local friends or family at all. I don’t have a garden, yard or any personal outside space, my door leads out straight on to the street. Does anybody have a good idea where I can hide a key, such that nobody is likely to disturb it? If your advice is location-specific I live in Swindon, UK.
My first thought is to fill a ziploc bag with heavy stones and the key and put it in a known spot in a local stream, but I don’t know if it would still get gradually moved along and/or get cleared out by the local authority. I can’t think of any other safe place that won’t eventually get disturbed.

What about in your pocket?

When I’m spending a week or so in a foreign city, I always rent a safe-deposit box for my keys and passport and credit cards and extra cash.

Let’s see:

[li]Your wallet[/li][li]Your shoe[/li][li]In an envelope that you always carry.[/li][/ol]

I’m talking about a permanent hiding place I can go to if I forget my key, not ny variation on “carry it with you”.

How often do you need to access this key? Daily, monthly, quarterly, annually?

Here are some thought:

  1. If you have an outside light/lamp, place the key inside of it.

  2. If your area has post office boxes that you can rent, put it in an envelope and store it your PO box.

  3. Buy a magnetic key holder and affix it to something metallic (e.g. your car, the underside of a post office box or metal stair rail).

  1. A real estate lock box that you can hang on your door knob:

You can get a combination-locked box to place a key in, which is secured to the wall of the building.

In the 5 years I’ve lived here, I’ve needed to collect the key from my dad once. No outside lamp, doubt I could get away with attaching a box to public property. I’d rather not pay a constant fee just for this safeguard. Thanks though.

Do you own this place or are you renting?

If you own it, you could install an electronic lockset, e.g. this.

What about on the floor near your door. You could put it a bit around the corner, so to access the key with the door shut, you have to reach in with something long and thing, and would almost certainly have to know where it is.

I can’t answer this question properly without knowing your full address.

I like this one a lot. Thanks.

Can you keep it at work, or is that too far away?

I’d guess you don’t have a car you could leave it in, because that would be too obvious.

Also, you could get it surgically implanted in your arm, and when you lock yourself out, just gnaw your way to house access!

Hide-a-Spare-Key Fake Rock
StreetWise (127)

You could use a realtor’s lock, but it makes it obvious where the key is.

Since thieves are rumored to be pretty resourceful, I use the two-step process. As silly as it sounds, I hide a key to somewhere else, and the somewhere else contains the key to the house/car/camper/etc.

Example: I have a magnetic key box attached under the frame of my truck. It only opens the door (won’t start the engine). Opening the door allows me to reach under the seat, wherein lies a wrench which I can use to loosen a seat frame, underneath that is the actual ignition key. Elaborate, but the process is too complex for a random ne’er-do-well to puzzle out. Since I roam pretty deep in the woods, it ensures I don’t get stranded if I lose my pocket key. I have a similar, but more complex process to re-enter my house (it has more steps).

Try to leave it somplace around the side or back of the house. Don’t leave it in a place where you will be seen rooting around for it. Don’t get too creative, if you don’t plan to use it often, you may forget where it is.

Hope this links better:

Hide the key inside a fake rockin the yard;

Or in a fake soda can, lightbulb, or spray can in the shed.

Keep in mind that thieves already know these places.
Put it in the mailbox, tape it to the inside if you are worried about the mailman taking it by accident.

Wrap it in plastic then shove it in the soil somewhere (not a flowerbed that’s going to get disturbed). Not right outside your house, obviously.

I have much the same issue. I have a separate garage a short distance away, my spare key is on the floor inside about 6 inches from the door. I can poke it out with a stick if needed.