Ever had an orgasm without being touched?

I can’t say that I have except for those insidious nocturnal emissions. Is it possible otherwise?


Why do you ask?

Details tator, dammit I want details! :slight_smile:

Well, I was sitting there not being touched, and bam! it happened.

I’d go into full loving detail, but since you spelled my name wrong, I am feeling a bit peeved and unloved. :frowning:

Goll durnit, when will you yahoos learn to search the archives?

By another person? Sure, it happens all the time:)

But the dreams at night always end before any sense of…completion… as it were.

Aaah the joys of being a girl…


I have a very vivid imagination.

Rather like tater. :wink:

Sorry coldie them archives is scary. But I promise to do better.

Awww come on tatertot. See, I can spell your name correctly.

As a participant in the questionnaire for the above-linked Cecil column, my answer would, of course, be yes. :smiley:

For more on this subject, read the thread Ed Zotti posted to kick-start Cecil’s “research” into this phenomenon. (FYI, though, it’s all out of order since it didn’t transfer well from the old board format.)

Jeg elsker dig, Thomas

Screw details, I want videotape…

Goodness, is it really that impressive? Most of the time, I’m sleeping anyway when it happens, so it’s no big deal…I like it, but I don’t see what anyone else would get out of it.

The other times…well, let’s just say I’m suggestible. :smiley:

It happends sometimes when I sleep,
but I do wake up then, mmmm:)

A few weekends ago on a blockbuster night, my girlfriend and I started making out on the couch as if we were 15 again. Two hours later, the TV glaring static at us, fully clothed and only touching each other’s faces, I gently sucked on her lower lip and… Bam! She grabbed me hard, her knees convulsing, cheeks red with passion, eyes bright and shiny.

In my brilliance (and shock at the abrupt ending to a two hour straight kiss) I asked, “What was that?!”

“num. num… mmm. um… nothing. mmm…”

“You came didn’t you?!”

(her face reddened to a light tomato shade.)

She’s a keeper.

  • Polarfield


I want one. Share?

Like most men, this is something that has not happened to me.

But I believe I may recently have inspired it to occur to someone else. Does that count?

Yup. That’s correct, manhattan. Now quit sending me those lurid e-mails at work; I’m gonna get in trouble.

It’s moments like this I really wish we had that *Wet Suits And Rubber Gloves * forum of Czarcasm’s.

<grin> A couple of years ago one of our guy friends, Court,
demanded of us if girls had “wet dreams” too. We told him yes, but it’s hard to know for sure that it wasn’t just a dream about sex unless you wake up at the right time. So, then, using logic, he asked why we wouldn’t know because of “the mess,” needless to say our allegory of how women’s genitalia is like a self-cleaning oven left him blushing and wishing he hadn’t asked. :slight_smile:

No… really? No kiddin…I wouldn’t mind hearing more about that.