Ever had an orgasm without being touched?

I never did figure out how ovens clean themselves. Now I need to understand how they orgasm. Women remain a mystery, also.

Women’s, ah, equipment, shall we say, can go into the “clean” cycle, where the labial latch closes (as a safety measure) and the internal temperatures reach in excess of 800 degrees fahrenheit. Any residue inside is quickly turned to powdery white ash that can be later wiped away with a damp sponge. It’s a good idea to take the vaginal racks out first, as the chrome plating on them can be adversely affected by the extreme temperatures. After a half hour or so of cooling, the labial latch disengages and everything’s ready to go again.

Don’t you feel better informed now?

lol, while the last explaination is funny, you can satify your curiousity about cleaning functions here. http://healthcenter.ucdavis.edu/htvaghygiene.html

Uhm Sengkelat,I never could figure how to get my vagina to do that self cleaning this, I think it must have something to do with a faulty latch, but I have had my orgasms just go on “autopilot” before. I’ll just be sitting there minding my own business typing or some[sub] oooooh, mmmmm, ahhh[/sub]thing and it’ll go off all by itself.[sub] oh ohhhh ahhhhhh[/sub] :smiley:

Unlike ovens, however, for women this process works best if the gas is off.

A couple of times during intense sex dreams-like the one I had about meeting Jeff Hardy in a conference room in my office. I was wearing a skirt,going commando,he threw me on the big table and…

You can figure out the rest.:slight_smile:

[sub] There was another great dream but since I was told I talk about a certain Doper far too much I won’t go into it. [/sub]

Ummmmmm…well…now that you mention it…there was that time…<voice fades out as a memory takes over>


BLUSH yes.


And Yes It’s Very Possible. With the Right Partner & Mindset. Or With A Certain Prescription Medication (lol - in which case a common side effect is Sneeze Induced orgasm)

I also participated in Ed’s research–and was one of the cases singled out in the column. I have actually experienced this numerous times. I’m very suggestible!

Funny, I heard a girl ask that very question on the television last night.


I used to take an antidepressant that, when combined with ephedrine, would make me have spontaneous orgasms if I had the right kind of visual stimulation. One time it was a nude dancer at a bar in Atlanta and another time it was Holly Hunter bending over in The Piano.

Sounds like she struck the right chord.

Bad boy L_C, BAD! :smiley:

Where do you think the phrase “a bun in the oven” came from?

Count me in as one who has had more than my fair share. Sometimes by squeezing my “trying not to pee” muscles, other times on a horse (the “neiiiiiiiigh” sounds was me), another time sitting on the washer during the spin cycle (kidding - it didn’t work), and times when I didn’t really do anything at all.

I think there is some really bad advice at this site. :wink: “Keep the vulva clean, cool, and dry.” Clean, of course, but what fun is cool and dry? “Avoid tight pants.” Yeah, that’s gonna happen.


The joys of having a boyfriend with a good imagination and a sexy voice.

Well, not that I don’t think it’s a lovely little accessory and all, but I really, really like that whole touching part. Popping the cork without savoring the champagne seems mildly diverting at best.


I’m probably just jealous.

I had a girlfriend once (once…), and she said that in high school she was in math class bored out of her mind. She was staring at the neck of the guy sitting in front of her and just zoned everything else out. After awhile of concentrated and thinking sexysexy thoughts, she had an orgasm and let out a small cry. She was a bit embarrassed about it at the time, and prayed no one would ask her “um…did you just have an orgasm there?”

…or does anyone else see “Eve had an orgasm without being touched” when they read the thread title? :eek:
Oh yeah…I’m the pathetic loser in Cecil’s survey that hadn’t had any orgasms that previous week (or month, or year…damn, I don’t remember. It’s just been a while).

Don’t be sad Persephone! I tend to have O’s in my sleep, but I’ve been out of luck for weeks. Oh well.

Gee, getting late, time for bed. :smiley:

Last night was my first and only (so far) experience with this. I was pretty stoned and I was listening to the Beatles (Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds and the Within You Without You instrumental) and watching a lava lamp and an oscilliscope with pretty colors flying past my head as I was running down a tunnel to get to the light. It was amazing. When I finally managed to look away from the computer screen I got this insane desire for physical closeness and I told my boyfriend to kiss me. He did and it just happened. It happened again later that night when he bit my neck. I rather enjoyed myself…