Researching "psychic orgasms"


Cecil has asked me to research the topic of, ah, “psychic orgasms.” Psychic orgasms, according to this scholarly everything-you-wanted-to-know-about-good-lovin’ book I have here, “are those induced by methods other than genital stimulation.” Supposedly some women merely have to tug on their hair to get off. TubaDiva was telling me once, in fact I think she posted it on MPSIMS, that she knew this guy who if she merely blew in his ear, he would … I mean it was like pushing the button on a can of Ready Whip.

We are interested in obtaining further factual, dignified reports from the field on this topic. Reports should describe in dispassionate scientific terms the individual, the nature and characteristics of his or her hyperorgasmicity, and how the hell he/she got through life if he/she came every time he/she combed her hair.

Cecil appreciates your help in the never-ending war against ignorance.

Is there some sort of class I can take to learn this? If so, can I choose to have it happen whenever I exhale?

We went right out there and refused to do accoustical versions of the electrical songs that we had refused to record in the first place.

Mully, I don’t think that’s a good idea.

Come to think of it, maybe THAT’S what’s going on with those crazy homeless guys you see walking down the street…

As per the OP: hair tugging? Dammit. Some girls have all the luck.

A little persistance goes a long way. Announcing:

“I go on guilt trips a couple of time a year. Mom books them for me.” A custom made Wally .sig!


Two guys are sitting on an airplane. Periodicly one of the men sneezes, takes a tissue from his pocket, and wipes the end of his penis off. After a while, the second man turns to him, demanding an explanation.

Man #2: “Why do you keep wiping your penis after you sneeze?!”

Man #1: “It’s a rare disease, i orgasm every time i sneeze.”

Man #2: “Really? What are you taking for it?”

Man #1: “Pepper.”

</hijack> :smiley:

“Through twilight, darkness and moonrise
My scarlet tears will run
As stolen blood and whispered love
Of fantasies undone”

I vaguely remember reading that some medication (an antidepressant) caused its users to have orgasms when they sneezed. But I could be recalling a UL.

My ex-wife claimed she could have an orgasm by performing oral sex. Needless to say, I was not unhappy at this revelation. :slight_smile:

Time flies like an arrow. Fruit flies like a banana.

I am reminded of the Woody Allen film Celebrity, in which Charlize Theron’s character explains how she is “polymorphically perverse”. Supposedly it is a state in which one’s entire body is an erogenous zone.
It’s a great movie and a hilarious scene as the Kenneth Branagh character (turned on to the max by a token demonstration of her “polymorphic perversion”) hustles to get her back to her apartment, only to -

I’m surprised nobody has said this yet:

“The brain is the biggest sex organ of all.”

“Why, sometimes I’ve believed as many as six impossible things before breakfast!” - the White Queen

Yowza - what a topic!

I guess you could say I’m one of those women, although I’ve never had an orgasm from pulling or brushing my hair. My nipples are extremely sensitive though, and with the right kind of stimulation of them I can reach vaginal orgasm without ever actually touching “down there.”

I don’t do it very often because it can be dangerous, but when I’ve been holding my bladder for a really long time, sometimes the pressure builds up so much that I can have an orgasm just by “holding it.”

Is that the kind of stuff you wanted to know?

I’d consider being a guinea pig for any clinical trials you might be holding. :smiley: :smiley:

“How wonderful it is that nobody need wait a single moment before starting to improve the world.” - Anne Frank

“Mom, he’s a neo Nazi! He’s a doctor also? Well…” - WallyM7

Well, let’s put this this to a test.

Everyone, gather around your monitor; I will attempt, using psychic powers alone, to give everyone present an orgasm.

Please, no faking.

Seriously though, wasn’t there a drug about 5 to 10 years ago that made a decent amount of news for causing orgasms in some people when they yawn? Or maybe it was sneeze. Or both, I can’t remember.

…ebius sig. This is a moebius sig. This is a mo…
(sig line courtesy of WallyM7)

Ed - if you’re serious, email me (see profile) and I’ll email you back.

I absolutely positively will NOT post this. No. No matter how much you try to bribe me with. NO.

Actually, my college psychology teacher, wheelchair bound with no feeling from the waist down, claimed that he could at one time achieve orgasm from stimulation of his nipples or the stoking of fingernails down his back.

I’ll see If I can reach him.


“My mind reels with sarcastic replies!” - Snoopy

And suddenly, Missy becomes the most popular poster on the board, and we all wonder what the hell Inky was doing with the professor to get that kind of information from him. :smiley:

In July 1999, in a hotel in Arkansas while on vacation, my fiancee and I saw a “documentary” on cable television about a japanese man who was using his psychic powers to channel an orgasm from one woman to another. The two women were lying on beds in separate rooms. One women would derive sexual pleasure from whatever means, and through the mans of the psychic’s channeling a women lying close by in another room would also experience an orgasm with no physical stimulation.

I give that for what it’s worth. I cannot remember the name of the “psychic”, the title of the documentary, or the cable station that broadcast it.

And to forego further commentary, did I accept the findings of this research project? Personally, no.

P.S. I forgot to say that the “documentary” had been filmed in Japan.

I’m willing to be dignified and dispassionate, Ed, but with this crowd, a topic like this is like giving a tour of your wine cellar to Carrie Nation.

I’ll echo Missy’s sentiments. I’ll talk about it if you email me, but I AIN’T posting it for all the world to see.

Hey, sweetie! You want a Danish with that coffee? – another custom design by the mind of Wally

Shagrath Borgir thanks for the joke.

Shayna, I am sure there are several here willing to help in the clinical trials. I would offer but my wife would kill me.

Missy, please post your story. We will devote a whole thread talking about how much we want to know, see, talk, be with, etc. you, if you do.


I’m new at this search engine stuff. Evidently Jeeves does not do Boolean searches. I put in “psychic + orgasm” and got, not only “what is an orgasm?”, “what is the ‘sixth sense’?”, and “how can I test my psychic ability online?”, but also, “where can I find an online calculator?” and “where can I find comprehensive system information on my Macintosh Plus?”

Does Steven Jobs know something that Cecil doesn’t?

Still looking…

“Why, sometimes I’ve believed as many as six impossible things before breakfast!” - the White Queen

That’s it, I have got to attend a doper get-together.

Well, I don’t know about you other Chicago Dopers, but I’m thinking Missy’s going to be the most, uhh, interesting person there. Even if Joph and UncleBeer make out again.