"I'm really a girl" (April 1st prank PM)

So I did this on Halloween, too.

April 1st’s version is:

*I’ve been keeping a secret for awhile and I don’t really know who to tell…I saw you were online, though, and figured “What the hell?”.
I know you and I don’t talk, really…but I’ve always liked most of your posts and just wanted to get it out to someone.

It’s probably not even that big of a deal, but it will help my own conscience.
I’m not a guy, I’m actually a female.

Nobody else knows this, I’ve never told anyone…and it was probably very stupid to hide the fact in the first place, but years ago, when I first registered, I just felt more comfortable letting people think I was a guy.

Anyway, again, not sure why I’m telling you, but it’s weird. I feel that if at least one person knows, I don’t feel as guilty.*

Replies (verbatim):

Grrr. Shakes fist at Idle Thought. And think I couldn’t be pranked today, but I let my guard down after arriving home and not expecting anymore conversation for today. But nice :).

I’m still getting a lot of replies, so I’ll update this thread with new ones that I get in that time in a couple hours.

Hey, there’s my response!

: golf clap :

And I thought someone liked my posts! :frowning:

You had me for a few minutes while I tried to think of a reply. But then I remembered the date and thought to check for a thread like this.

And to me, you’ve always been a girl.

coffeecat, I’ve been keeping a secret for awhile and I don’t really know who to tell…I saw you were online, though, and figured “What the hell?”.
I know you and I don’t talk, really…but I’ve always liked most of your posts, coffeecat, and just wanted to get it out to someone.

It’s probably not even that big of a deal, but it will help my own conscience.
I’m not a guy, I’m actually a female.

Nobody else knows this, I’ve never told anyone…and it was probably very stupid to hide the fact in the first place, but years ago, when I first registered, I just felt more comfortable letting people think I was a guy.

Anyway, again, not sure why I’m telling you, but it’s weird. I feel that if at least one person knows, I don’t feel as guilty.

I’ve never really thought of “being a girl” as something that needs confessing.

Only if you are already, in fact, a girl.


I really need to pay more attention to the date.

There’s nothing quite as funny as having someone you know decieve you and violate your trust, is there, Idle Thoughts?

Took me about 2 minutes to figure this out after I wrote my reply. I must be getting slow(er).

Was she hot?

Shit - I didn’t even notice I had a PM until I read this thread.

I missed out on last time, so was 1) not only thrilled I was included this go around, and 2) really glad I don’t take myself so very seriously that a silly, little joke would affect me much.

I didn’t fall in the floor in hysterics, but it brought a grin to my face. Well played, IT, well played.

That was tacky, dude.

Thank fucking goodness. My wife was getting ready to kill me over this.

“Who the fuck is that? Why is she sending you a PM? What have you been up to? I knew that bunch of Dope heads was trouble. … continues for another ten minutes, with a lot of bad words …”.

Thanks a lot.

Reported for being insensitive to the trans people around here.

Translation: carnivorousplant fell for it.