[My friend was killed in the] Oregon community college shooting [edited title]

Reports of fatalities are all over the place. As many as 15?

I worked at this school, graduated last year. My wife graduated this year. I have friends there, my favorite professor has her office and taught classes in Snyder, which is apparently where it happened. Texts and FB messages to her aren’t being answered. As God is my witness I don’t know what to do now.

[ETA: I have edited the thread title to reflect the personal loss of the OP. Please note that there is to be no discussion about gun control politics in this thread. -IvoryTowerDenizen, MPSIMS mod]

If you’re not near there now, then just hang tight. The emergency people may have hogged most of the bandwidth for their operations, and if not, then certainly the desperate friends and family calling in will have clogged things up.

If your professor is on campus, she is on lockdown. Her phone is either not with her, or on silent (to not betray her location to the shooter(s) she’s hiding from). She either will not, or can not answer. Calling multiple times will not help her.

If she’s NOT on campus, she’s been evacuated or has run away on her own volition, and may not have her phone with her, or it may have lost charge, or she may be ignoring it while still trying to clear the area.

I know it’s hard, but there’s nothing anyone can do from out here except hold them in your thoughts, and if you’re religious, to pray for them.

Wow. I was just reading the morning news and didn’t see anything until your post.

There probably will not be additional news until lock-down is lifted and/or the campus evacuated. Part of the protocol if you are hiding, silence your phone so an incoming call will not betray your location. But you really can’t control a couple hundred people with smart phones, so expect misinformation at first.

Oregon State Police confirm 10 dead.

Nothing on the AP yet about this but from what y’all are p posting here it sounds freaking awful.

Just talked to an instructor who was not on campus, He says 15 dead and 5 wounded.

It’s on the front page of CNN.

They’re now saying the shooter has been detained, thank goodness.

Yeah, but no hard information yet, except “ten dead.”

Also, remember, many may be contacting their family over their friends atm, so they’d be very hard to reach right now, unless you’re family.

They havent confimed any death thus far. They have the shooter in custody and they are treating at least 20 injuries. On of which was a women who was shot in the chest. I am sorry that this impacted you so much. My thoughts and prayers go to you and these victims

None of the instructors I have personal contact info for are answering.

Jesus H. Christ.


CNN is reporting the Police reported 10 dead so far. Let’s hope there’s no more.

You need to wait it out. Everyone there is getting flooded with calls and texts and emails and they’re not going to be able to respond right away.

A friend of mine has a police scanner. Douglas County Sheriff is saqying 10 killed, 20 wounded.

Of the people you know, keep checking their Facebook page or Twitter if they have them and you have access. They may have posted something like “I’m okay.” by now. But yeh, they’re going to be VERY hard to reach for a while.

Douglas County Fire Marshal just reported they transported 11 out to hospital(s), but 2 of them have died (I’m assuming that’s of the wounded). Just listening to his voice… such a horror.

Reported the shooter was at least in the Science Building. But there’s like 17 or 18 separate buildings spread over the campus, so it’s taking a long while to clear each one.

A suburban community college in Oregon . . . is no place safe any more?! :frowning:

They’re saying the shooter posted warnings on social media. Makes me think of the tragedy averted in the UK not so long ago.

Where are you getting your updates from?

Science building is maybe 60 feet from Snyder, which is where at least part or all the shooting happened, according to people in talking to who are still on campus.