Why do women dress to expose their Belly Buttons?

I asked a guy why women wear shirts just short enough that they come just above or near their navel, exposing it or a couple of inches of skin. He said because they are crazy. So I asked a young lady the same question & she said because they are stupid. Im not content with those answers, does anyone have a better answer?

The media has convinced me as of late that my belly button has some things to say, so I like to let her out every once in a while.

Also, I like to be poked there.


Because if done properly, perhaps in combination with a navel ring or tattoo (perhaps on the small of the back), this look has the power to cause men to walk into telephone poles. I’ve seen it happen…

Well, I have been known to flash a glimpse of shapely ankle as I climb aboard the trolley. How the Sidewalk Shieks on 23rd Street love it!

It’s an erogenous zone. They are hoping to attract a mate. Same reason they expose their cleavage and thighs.

Mmmmm, tummies!

Eve, I’d walk barefoot over 3 miles of broken glass to see your shapely ankles.

Heck, I’d even vote for LaRouche, if that’s what it takes.

On the OP. I don’t care why they do it. I just appreciate it. I’m kinda uncomplicated that way.

handy, I’ve yet to meet the man that doesn’t like a little flash of navel from a tight, tan tummy. Not that he doesn’t exist, just that I’ve never met him.

Even as a straight woman, I find it amazingly sexy.

BunnyGirl: 24 days 'till the Bellybutton Ring.

lessee… mini skirts, hot pants, tube tops, bikinis, clingy fabrics…
gee, haven’t a clue why anyone would wear such things.

If I was a woman and/or had a belly button, I’d let it show. Belly buttons are uber-sexy!

Handy, you’re not complaining, are you? Cause if the whole belly-button-baring bonanza comes to a shrieking halt, I’m coming looking for you!

I flash my bellybutton and have a belly button ring. I have received many compliments on it. I do it less in the winter Brrrr!

Considering the number of crunches I do to maintain presentable abs, I would consider it rude to keep them constantly covered (especially on a 90+ degree day like today).

So that their belly buttons will sing. :smiley:

Zev Steinhardt

Well, Eve would have to show an ankle, lacking a belly button and all.

Why do women dress to expose their Belly Buttons?

Because God is good.

Uh, if you have to ask, the answer wouldn’t interest you.

:wink: Anyway, my fiancee has a belly button ring. I love it. It’s incredibly sexy. I guess when you think about it, if a woman has a belly button ring she’s usually in pretty good shape. That part of a woman’s body is just incredibly sexy to me…um, I gotta go now.

Because I’m silly and own far too many t-shirts that fit fine across the chest, but just seem to be too short, stopping right under my ribs.
Of course, that’s what I get for shopping in the little girls’ section. :smiley:

Our culture equates youth and fitness with beauty and sexiness. Plus, throw in the appeal of self-confidence of those young women who know they look good and are willing to show it of a little.

Maybe people are a little jaded over big fake tits, and since flat tummies usually take some work to attain, they are prized for being relatively new sexy body part that is not fake (assuming any otherwise fit 20 year old wouldn’t be a candidate for liposuction).

I dunno, just random theories waiting for the next Levi’s Belly Button commericial to air.