"24" Season 2, Episode 13 - 8:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m. (SPOILERS)

The digital display of the radio showed straight zeros.

This might have been a poorly managed prop, but I think Grizzly is faking it.

One thing I forgot to mention that I thought was kind of funny:

When Kim and Survivalist Joe were walking to the cabin, Kim says “How much further?”. He responds “Not much” (or similar). They walk about 5 feet and there’s the cabin. It struck me as weird because I think it would have been plainly visible from where the question was asked, especially with the light on, and even if Kim wasn’t paying attention, he could have pointed and said “right there”. The scene just bothered me because of that.

I don’t think Survivalist Joe is a rapist, simply because that would be sooo cliche…more likely he’s just crazy. Which will be interesting next week to see Kim locked in a bomb shelter with a raving lunatic.

The Angeles Forest extends fully along the northern border of L.A., so that sounds right. It is definitely possible to walk from dense city to total wilderness in two miles. Hikers have to get rescued from there all the time.

I didn’t think about them using one of the airports in the Valley and changing the name. In that case, Kim definitely would have seen and heard the blast. Of course, look who we’re talking about here. :slight_smile: Come to think, that street Marie was driving down last week does look a lot like one of those long wide empty boulevards in the east Valley that are popular with street dragsters.

What’s the deal with ‘division’ wanting to move the whole operation? Isn’t the POTUS satisfied with what they’ve been doing, and couldn’t he put a stop to shuffling their location? That bit seems manufactured, and it’s not like they’re out of plot threads. Speaking of the Pres, what’s up with him and his ex-wife? “Oh, you betrayed me once, so when I need infomarion on the plot run by the guy you told me not to arrest, I’ll just give you access to everything and ignore my advisors. And I won’t put a simple bug on your phone to verify that you’re not trying to screw me over like you did before!” The conspiracy thread is interesting, but I’m kind of worried it’s going to go all X-files and get silly with the amount of complications.

I like the various switching around with the nuke, though I’m not clear on why they had a bomb, fake bomb, plane, and traitor guy set up but didn’t have a trigger anywhere near the fake bomb and plane. Also, why was Jack going to fly the bomb out if they couldn’t defuse it? You can disarm a nuke by blowing it up with conventional explosives; you’ll get some radioactive material scattered around, but no actual nuclear explosion. Ah well, that one I let slide because it’s an Action Movie Convention now.

The Kim plot line is getting sillier and sillier - first it was a mountain lion, now it’s crazy survivalist guy who keeps a ultra-small T-shirt around for her to wear. Just ditch the Kim ‘plot’ and show her running around in a tight shirt every few minutes, it’ll have the same effect without being so annoying. I predict that by the end of the series, we’ll also see Kim hanging off the edge of a cliff (and/or over water), chased by attack dogs, and some other cliches so tired I shudder to think of them.

The bomb goes off.
Kills all of LA.
Fast forward 15 years.
Kim and Mountain man emerge from bunker with 15 kids who have a combined IQ of 15.
Kim is still wearing the tshirt.
Within 5 minutes of exiting the bunker, they all get eaten by a family of mutant mountain lions.
The end.


I think Shari will wind up being good after all - I think she will discover she was dupped and will spring into action to get revenge and get her hubby back.

Glad to see more people are starting to watch…according to Hollywood Reporter, it had one of the highest Nielsen ratings ever last night!

I thought this was perhaps the weakest episode of the series so far (not that it wasn’t still quite good).

There were three acts of incomprehensible stupidity:

(1) Palmer trusting Sherry
(2) Kim trusting Grizzly Adams
(3) The airport somehow not being surrounded. This is only, what, the most important single public safety emergency in the history of mankind. You’d think they would have had airplanes and helicopters overhead, cops all around, etc.
I’m hoping that #1, at least, turns out to be not as transparently idiotic as it appeared.

I think the airport wasn’t completely surrounded because the CTU people were afraid of the paramilitary group.

But I was thinking that if someone did confiscate a stolen nuke, that there wouldn’t be the equivalent of the “nuclear bomb squad” trying to disarm it and wondering if the blue wire is the good one to pull. Wouldn’t someone look at it, see that it wasn’t going to go off, head off to Nevada and bury it underground and perhaps detonate it there.

Of course that has little dramatic tension.

The airport wasn’t surounded because they didn’t know where to go until Ali told them, right?
As soon as they knew about Norton Air Field, they went there.

I’m thinking Omar thought he had the bomb, but Marie and Rogue Soldier Guy are in cahoots, and RSG actually has the bomb in the truck.
The TV listing in my paper said Jack and Kate had a talk about events in Marie’s life which explained why she was doing this. I’m guessing that was maybe for next week?

But how hard could it be to quarantine the airport? Airports are generally fairly out-of-the-way places. There probably aren’t more than two or three roads at most that lead away from it. Put one or two cars on each, and stop any vehicle going in or out. Maybe a helicopter or two flying the perimeter.

They could probably manage it with CTU resources alone, but if not, I’m sure they wouldn’t have any problem getting the LAPD to send some cars. They wouldn’t even have to tell them about the bomb. Just tell them to stop any traffic going in or out.

There’s no way a competent agency would allow that great big panel truck to just drive off. I’ve been one who almost bends over backwards to forgive small errors in this show, because the overall quality is so high, but I don’t think that’s a small error.

Before we all complain about the truck getting away with the bomb, let’s not forget that we haven’t actually seen either the truck actually get away (we only saw it start to drive down the road away from the hangar) or that the bomb is actually on the truck.

I enjoy speculating and guessing what’s about to happen as much as the next guy, but I wouldn’t put it past them to end up showing that our specualtions are wrong, or at least providing some valid explanations as the events unfold.

For example, Riboflavin wonders why President Palmer didn’t

How do you know he didn’t?

As I was drifting off to sleep last night a crazy though occured to me…
How plausible/possible would it be for the Seventh Soldier to be…Abusive Dad?

Hmmmm. Abusive Dad is the Seventh Soldier. Max, I like that theory. During the episode, the Algernon family was wondering what has happened to Abusive Dad. It would be weird for him to just never re-appear.

Ooooh, good idea, Max Carnage.
And maybe Marie has been involved with him all along, and her relationships with Reza and Ali were just ways for her to get closer to the bomb?
What a little slut.

Is it Tuesday yet?

It just seemed like the Kim story line was drifting farther and farther away from where she started out. I was hoping to get her back to the main story. Kim has had a rough day so far what with getting walloped by Abusive Dad, kidnapping Abused Child, commiting GTA, being accused of murder, taken to prison, escaping from the police via car accident, chased by a mountain lion, being abducted by a mountain man…and it’s only been 13 hours.

I hate days like that.

So if Abusive Dad is Seventh Soldier (let’s just call this figment of our imagination Abusive Soldier), what was in that present that Abused Mom wouldn’t let Kim near? I’m not sure but I’d want to run a geiger counter over it before opening :slight_smile:

I know that this is the most far-fetched theory possible, but, heck, we gotta kill time until Tuesday somehow.

The trigger for the bomb?

No, I don’t think Abusive Dad is Soldier #7. Abused Mom shoved Kim away from the present because it had to be wrapped just so.

Remember, Abusive Dad kept talking on the cell phone to someone. I got the feeling he’s an exec somewhere, not a soldier.

Yeah, if Abusive Dad was some elite special forces super-soldier, it’s not likely he’d get his ass kicked by Punk Boyfriend. (Let alone by Running Girl herself.)

Still, it would be a fun twist…

Yeah you’re right. Hey maybe Punk Boyfriend is…

The truck better still be at the airport.

Not enough Jack this episode.

If the truck gets out of that airport I’m never talking to the writers again. I’ll still watch, but I’ll do it with a grumpy attitude. The airport should have been on lockdown. Jack even had a comment allong the lines of “no one gets in or out without checking with me”. I’m not mad yet, all I’m saying is the truck and the evil sister better be at the airport.

I agree, weakest episode of the season so far. If I have to hear Ensign Ro and Sherri have another “You don’t like me!”/“You’re right I DON’T like you!” moment I’m going to puke. The President is an idiot this year. Give Sherri access to everything? Please. Everyone in the show plays him like a fiddle. What ever happened to the street-smart politician who can swiftly catch a gangsters crow bar meant for his skull?

The nipples were nice. Still, this show would be better without the damn women. They are all pretty poorly written. We’ve got:

One CTU girl asking for a movie and dinner in the middle of the most dangerous terrorist actions ever.
Kim acting like a retard (a hot one) who is inexplicably drawn to disaster.
Sherri being Cruella DeVille and the Pres not noticing (was he waiting for a maniacal laugh to clue him in?).
Evil sister giving blowjobs and trying to blow up LA (allright, that is cool).
Good sister asking “Who was that?”, “What was that?”, “What was that about?”, “What was he talking about?”, “What’s the matter?”, “Who was on the phone?”, “What’s wrong?”, “What did that guy just say?”, “What did you just do?” AAAAAHHHHHGGGGG!!! STOP! If you gotta write her into the script please let her get information some way that doesn’t involve pestering Jack after every single fucking line!

Basically, less stupid-or-evil-bitches and more Jack Bauer please. Oh, and the truck better be at the airport.

DaLovin’ Dj