"24" Season 2, Episode 17 - 12:00 a.m. - 1:00 a.m. (SPOILERS)

The show is of course known for doing the unexpected, which, perversely, has caused us to expect the unexpected. But we didn’t learn about Nina until what, the second to last episode? And up until that point she was not suspicious at all. So, what if Kate isn’t who she seems to be? Just a thought. I really think she is there as a love interest for Jack, but hoping for something a little more original.

Well the only way they would be called back is if the recording is a fake, which means they didn’t conspire to set up us the bomb. So anyone who found out would say “Phew, I’m glad we didn’t attack an innocent country.”

Although maybe that’s what Mike meant, if The President called them back WITHOUT proving the recording is a fake.

Ohhhh, it makes sense now. Thanks.

Which reminds me–when the fark are we going to see Nina again? We never did find out what the deal with her, did we? Bring back Nina!
Besides, I also think she’s hotter than anyone else on the show.

I was yelling at him, “I tore a tendon while walking the dog and walked a mile back home and you can’t even get up off the floor?! You wuss!”

I didn’t buy the have to have Kate for clearance thing, either. Did like the cute foreign observer guy; he turned out to be pretty tough.

Kim, Kim, Kim, how can you be so stupid and yet know CPR and how to shoot (or hold anyway) a gun?

Consarn it! My cable box blew up last week so I wasn’t able to watch this episode until the FX rerun tonite. Oh well, no glaring geographical errors this week, though I wonder why everyone is fleeing so far up the coast (Monterrey, San Jose, etc…doesn’t anyone have family in Bakersfield??)

Kate is turning into an even bigger idiot than Kim. How can she trust Jack so implicitly, when she was all convinced that her sister’s fiancee was a terrorist? Especially now that she’s learned that the closest people to her aren’t anything like she thought they were.

Ditto that the new “We Begin Bombing in Four Hours” plotline isn’t holding water. How can it be a catastrophe to recall those planes, when nobody outside the gov’t even knows about it?

But that’s the way it is in real life, isn’t it? It’s just that the oil conspiracy and the presidential conspiracy are in collusion right now…(and I think Palmer’s a Democrat, at least I get that feeling.)