Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D S03E01: Laws of Nature

There are theories that Rosalind Price (the character in the show) is based on the comic book character Rosalind Solomon, who’s a SHIELD agent.

That would be awesome!

I assumed that the word on the Hebrew scroll describing the monolith would equally well translate to “Thanos”. Which would make all kinds of sense as a movie tie-in.

Yup, it was mentioned when they met and we got a little of his backstory.

Now THAT is very very interesting and I had not thought of it!

It looks like we may see more synergy between the tv shows and the movies.

so - I don’t recall SkyeDaisy making nice with Coulson - Ithought they were going to be frenemies…

I didn’t mind the episode - but now we have 2 shows about people coming into strange powers, learning to deal with them, with 2 different groups fighting over helping or hurting them.

I’ll grant you, AoS is superior, but … there has to be a better storyline.

And almost 24 hours after watching the premiere, I think I’ve come to the conclusion that I’m not going to watch anymore until they come to Netflix. I know that day is probably a while off, but I’ve gotten so accustomed to binge watching whatever I want whenever I want, that this one episode per week nonsense just ain’t gonna cut it.

Last night’s ep was the first “live” show I’ve watched in probably three years, and the 25 minutes I sat around waiting for it to come on just seemed ridiculous to my wife and me. My daughter came toddling out of her room at one point, and I was frustrated I couldn’t pause it.

Has this impatience happened to anyone else in this modern age of Netflix/Amazon/Hulu/etc?

^No DVR?

It’s out on Hulu, close enough for me

I don’t watch any live TV other than Football.

WRT SHIELD, I thought this was a good first ep. Got a few threads running, a baddie, an impending disaster, and a lost agent.

Any commercial or button pushing lessens the tension, and I find that shows I like on prime fall flat when watching live.

I felt the episode was mixed. I liked the train scene and the chemistry Coulson and mystery woman had. The battle in the hospital bored me. I guess I thought it was a bit early to show something that could take Daisy’s powers so easily after all the buildup last season. Poor Jemma, how long has she been on the run in that unflattering light?

True, but you’re still waiting a week for a new one. That’s one of my main beefs with “old fashioned” television. I may order Hulu at some point, so I suppose I’ll be able to watch the complete season there before it hits Netflix.

Judging by past releases, they’ll release the third season next September to time it with the start of the fourth season on broadcast.

I dunno. This show is really failing to hold me. All the right pieces, some very good cast, high production values… and it’s just a dull slog.

IMO, that’s one of the major benefits of “old fashioned” television. I like the discussion, the predictions, the waiting for the next episode while chatting about what we collectively saw. Binge watching is too isolated for my tastes.

May has become frankly superflous to requirements.

BTW, did anyone else think Skye/Daisy looked astonishingly unsexy in that tank top outfit, when she and Mac went in the isolation room to talk to Joe?

Are you insane? That’s the scene that had both my wife and I commenting on her boobs.

You noticed that too, huh?

I think Daisy is gong to turn into the show’s Worf. Supposedly an elite badass, but just used as a prop for stonger baddies to constantly toss aside to show how more uber-elite they are.

Really Daisy, you had one job. One job.