Alpaca, And Camel, And Musk Ox, And Yak, And Algae! Oh My! – A Fibrous MMP

These grow on trees? Who knew! :stuck_out_tongue:

Jah has attracted all kinds of new folks to the MMP. I’m way to lazy to go back and type in all the names, but welcomes new folks to the MMP! Chocolate love offerings go to FCM, beerverage love offerings go to me. Help yourself to a cool drink and a snack. It’s also ok to put your feet on the coffee table.

I just don’t know how to pamper something I can’t even see!

I’ve been religiously avoiding using tapwater for them and they’ve been snuggled up in their little…erm…plantarium (what’s the word again?) next to the heater. But still they don’t seem inclined to germinate.

Li’l tykes.

Oh, I misread. I was meaning my sundew there. My mimosa should do fine eventually. I’m just hoping that I can get at least one other plant to germinate because then I can use the Anthony Crowley method of growing and I’ll have lush and healthy (albeit terrified) plants. :wink:

Jah, sweetie, is it time for an intervention?? :wink: If not, will ya make me something??

I love this yarn - you need to post a pic of the finished scarf toot-sweet!

I used to knit or crochet afghans (the blankets, not the dogs) but once all family members had multiples and I sent a few to friends, I quit making them. In the past, I’ve done slippers, vests, sweaters, and even a knitted jacket, as well as scarves and hats and stuffed critters. Maybe some day I’ll take it up again, but for now, I find getting all goopy in clay to be much more rewarding.

I went back to work today and coughed way too much. I did my best to keep my germs to myself, but that’s kinda tough in a closed office. I guess as long as no one licks my keyboard, they should be mostly OK.

I had a visit from my non-branch head boss about my next assignment - it’s changed already. Apparently a short-turn-around, high profile project is about to launch and he asked if I was interested. Sure, why not, even tho it’ll probably mean moving my desk - again! He was supposed to clear it with all the powers that be. One thing I like about it - the lead is the guy who was my mentor when I came to work here the first time in '97.

In weather news, all the roads were clear but wet, and all the snow is getting slushy. I’ll be surprised if any is left after tomorrow, since it’s supposed to get up near 50. So yay for that.

Gotta do my homework, but first, gotta pull something outta the freezer for supper. Something easy - I don’t feel like cooking. Mebbe I’ll just cook up some pasta and we can eat the leftover sketty sauce from last week? There’s an idea…

Better yet, where can I get one? Probably takes years before they grow more than a thimble-ful, though. :wink:

I forgot to comment on the OP!

Nice OP, Jad! I’ve never knitted or crocheted. I used to do a lot of x-stitch, but I’ve gotten really sick of that, which is a problem because there’s a wedding coming up this summer, and the bridal couple is expecting me to stitch them a wedding sampler. Ugh. After that I’m taking a really really really long break from all handicrafts.

Quick post to say HI. I’ve spent what little time I’ve had here today looking at Doper photos!

Back later.

Hello to everyone!

Poor **FCD ** was an hour and a half late leaving work, so he won’t get home till almost 6. Poor baby… But I have dinner standing by.

Was it **Taters ** who described the pseudo-lasagna? I used that idea with my leftover sketty sauce and sketties, some fresh mushrooms, and some mozzarella cheese. I layered everything, ending with a cheesy top. In a little while, I’ll pop it into the oven and if I time it right, dinner will be ready just after he gets home.

I got a call from my soon-to-be-ex-team leader. Apparently my move to the new team has been approved, although there’s no time yet. I’ve got some training this week (the training I missed last week while I was being sick) so I’m guessing next week I’ll be moving. I don’t know anything about the new assignment except that it’s completely different from the one I just finished.

Plants have been watered, critters have been fed. I need to run the vacuum - Bernie is leaving a trail of hair all over the place. How is it that she’s not bald yet??

Look at all the new Cool Kids! How exciting! I just have to say, if I can learn to knit, anyone can. Most of the problems new knitters have is that they’re accidentally using lace making techniques. The trick is to use them deliberately. :smiley: Also, if you’re left handed, try Continental (sometimes called German) knitting. English is the style most commonly taught in the US, and many people find it awkward. Scratchy wool is most commonly used for exterior garments in colder locations. Lopi, an Icelandic wool, is toasty warm, but not very pleasant next to the skin. Merino wool, on the other hand, is as soft as a kitten’s belly. It’s hard to believe they both come from sheep. And I forgot to mention, yarn comes in lots of other fibers, too: corn, bamboo, soy, pineapple fiber, and even milk! Malabrigo scarves for everyone! I’ll just shove them through the CD slot there.

My Nana called at 8:30 this morning. She and her sisters were having their monthly lunch, did I want to come? I only got 4 hours sleep last night, but sure, why not? So I went and met some of my great-aunts and great-uncles, and a couple of cousins once or twice removed. The last time I saw most of them was at my dad’s service 10 years ago, and they’re getting up there, so it was good to see them again. Dad wasn’t especially fond of his extended family, so we never had a lot of contact with them growing up. One of the great-aunts has 32 great-grandchildren! :eek:

I forgot to post this clever scarf for the knitting-phobic. It could also double as a garrote!

Howdy!Somehow I missed this MMP this morning. Cool MMP, Jahdra. I am not a knitter, but Lucretia would go ape for some of that yarn. I am switching shifts tomorrow, so I get to go to the hockey game tomorrow. : happy dance :

Good luck MamaTigs! I hope it went well.

Enjoy your trip. BooFae! Carry over from the last MMP : It’s better to be pissed off than pissed on(that’s how Maggie Wonderbeagle got on The List)

swampy, where in Miss? You could visit the dogparents. :smiley:

Go FireBookCat!

Welcome Idlewild, StGermain, Sattua, toadbriar, and Sunspace. I am also accepting beerverage offerings.

I’ll just leave the knitting to you, if it’s all the same, Jah. :wink:

I slow cooked a boneless pork roast today, pulled it apart and dumped bbq sauce on it for bbq sammiches. I also made some coleslaw. Dindin was bbq sammiches, slaw and chips (crisps to those of you that speak that funny English :smiley: ). NUM!

I’m also all packed up to leave tomorrow. I want to get on the road by seven a.m. and pretty much be driving when there’s no school buses since a big part of my drive is over non-interstate roads. I like it better that way. Friday I plan to be driving back after school hours so I’m planning on their being no school buses and such then too.

Have I mentioned that on Saturday afternoon the new church building will be dedicated/consecrated? I have to make some cheese crisps for the reception afterward. So, I get to get up Saturday morning and make 'em. I have a big note stuck on fridge that tells me to take the butter and cheese out when I get home Friday night to soften overnight. It is important to start with softened butter and cheese. Hope I have enough sense to read said note Friday night cause I’m figuring on it being midnightish when I get back.

ETA: Yay! First post on page 2!

Doggio I’ll be in Meridian.

You could help yourself to the fluff that is deposited at my cousin’s hubby’s front door:

That depends. Would I have to write something interesting?

I’m home from the hospital for a bit to feed the neglected pups (also myself, but they came first!) and am happy to report that MamaTigs is doing just fine. I think she’s going to have lots of nice gory stuff to post because while she couldn’t see what was going on, she could hear it! I’d have been asking for more drugs if I were her!

Interesting? Um Kat, how many of these MMPs have you read? It doesn’t have to be interesting. It doesn’t have to make sense. It doesn’t even have to be hijackable! All it has to be is up early Monday morning (or late Sunday night if you’re not a morning person)

The only rule is that there are no rules, apart from the chocolate love offerings. And that’s not so much a rule as a divine right. :smiley:

The sunset scarf is hilarious. I think I could manage to whip up a few of those.

It’s fun to be among the cool kids. I can’t dope from work which has definitely chilled my enthusiasm for chiming in to the MMP only to have to run off and abandon it.

I wanted to share with the group though, I came home from work to find an envelope in the mail containing a smaller, red, heavily decorated envelope full of buttons from an etsy seller I bought from recently. I think it’s a Chinese New Year gift. I am so delighted. The envelope has an embossed golden peacock on it. I always used to love going through Mum’s button box when I was a kid so it’s fun to build my own oddball collection through unexpected gifts!

HAAAAAND CRAAAAAAMPS. Sweet muffins, I have been writing all day. I have two problem sets done, and my solutions usually need to be written up legibly and with some semblance of logic before I hand them in. You know the old saying, “The left hand doesn’t know what the right hand is doing”?

Well, my left hand doesn’t know how my right hand is suffering. IT WASN’T THERE, MAN, IT WASN’T THERE. [/war vet]

Chicken, rice and salad are cooked and eaten.Time for beerverages.

swampy, my parents are on the other side of the state.

Kat, you can’t do worse than this.

I’m imagining a sound like a small hand drill, just as the anesthesia kicks in…


What the hell is that? It looks like small yak.

With wolves in the background…
I am royally pissed off re grad school. My lil presentation–the book talk? Now has to be not 3-5 books (I was doing 3) in 5 minutes, but 5-7 books in 10 minutes. Oh, and we have to stay for lunch with the class on Saturday–she says we will work all day, 9-5. After that, I face a 2 hour drive back here.
I am not happy. Work as a nurse tomorrow…I have Wednesday to do the rest of this stuff. Argh.

Hello to all, so sorry, that’s great, too bad, that sucks, how wonderful/pretty etc.