Am I the Only One?

Would you like me to recite the back of my shampoo bottle for you? I can, you know…

“Pillow talk, pillow talk
Another night of getting my fill of pillow talk
You and I both agree there must be a boy
Must be a pillow
Must be a pillow talking boy for me…”

Yep, got it on video. :slight_smile:

Here is some ww2 cartoon action for you. In the Fuerher’s face is pretty fun to watch.

I am surprised disney would release the ww2 era cartoons, due to the fact that they are very un-pc, and pc-nazis would go buck wild and want them edited. i.e. The bugs bunny cartoon where bugs is a matador. They made the cartoon ‘safe’ by eliminating the part where he blows the bull up.

Revisionists suck, PC revisionists suck worse.

Oh and for the OP, am I the only one who thinks people who hate Christopher Columbus are weak minded fools?

I mean come on, he is dead, and what he did was the ‘in’ thing to do back then. Why don’t you pick on someone who is alive?

I mentally see if they are divisible by 2,3,4,5,6 and 9, since they are easy to do.

Not only that, but since I have listened to tapes I made from my record albums so many times I’m really confused when I hear a certain song without a scratch in it.

I do all of those too :slight_smile: (Except that tempered socialism has been proven to work; it’s Communism that’s the problem).

You must be a “number” person. I’m a “word” person. I look at the letters on license plates and make words. If a plate has the letters “HSE” I try to think of as many words as I can with the letters “HSE” in that order: House, Hose, Horse, Hearse, Choose, Chose, Chase, Chaise, etc. I even do it when I walk through parking lots.

I do that too! I’m always particulary pleased when one is divisble by 11, for some reason. I also see numbers as colours - two is red, four is green, five is blue, etc. I remember phone #'s and such more as a series of colours, rather than a series of numbers.

I’m also obsessive about growing tomatoes - I have 6 different types started this year. I’d also really like to be able to create some “Island of Dr. Moreau” style veggies cross-bred with various creatures, but that may have to wait until I get a proper greenhouse or something. :slight_smile:

Who’s Eric Bogosian, anyway?


[li]Is sexually attracted to men that many others would find “ugly”?[/li][/QUOTE]

In a previous thread on the Dope, I admitted to finding Wallace Shawn attractive. I dare you to beat that! :smiley:

Am I the only PhD engineering prof techy that is addicted to romance novels?

I do know one math PhD candidate who reads them as well and Star Wars novels to boot, but he shall remain nameless.

I play license plate cribbage. Pickups in Washington state have 5 numbers and I try to see how good of a cribbage hand the numbers would make. The best hand would be 28 and a few years ago I saw a plate with 55505, with 0 being 10, that has been the only 28 hand I have seen.

I love growing garbage can potatoes.

I have bought a fishing license every years since I can remember and I haven’t been fishing in about 10 years. Yes, I have bought my 2004 license and I am going to try to go fishing at least once. Maybe.

I collect skunks. I have about 200 of them. I also collect Monopoly pieces. I just paid $28 for a gold plated Studebaker pickup token.

FilmGeek, your brother is cool. I dig TMBG and not Tool, but I like that analogy.

Not only do I do that, but if I have a song that I’ve used on a mix, I’ll sometimes expect to hear the song that would be next on the mix. Or I’ll hear the song when I’m playing the album it’s originally from and then expect to hear the next song that’d be on the mix and vice versa. Mmm I think that made sense.

I am so glad I am not alone in this. The ingredients of any bathroom item, I can give you. I mean… I cannot be in there and not read. I was at a friend’s house once, and her guest bathroom was devoid of anything other than a bar of soap. Unfortunately the logo had worn off of that, so I was left with nothing to read. It’s a miracle that I survived, really.

Have you ever had it actually happen? Once, just once, I actually had two consecutive songs from a mix play back-to-back on the radio. Talk about messing with your head when the 3rd song doesn’t follow.

I also divide one number by the other, but my goal is to find plates where the result is close to the golden ratio.

Well, I’m not an engineer, but I like to think I’m reasonably intelligent, and I, well, uh, umm, I read romance novels. Barbara Cartland romance novels. I am so ashamed! I must be the only one.

I think we match on this. I’ve had the idea that certain personalities, like extreme introversion or adventure-seeking, served some purpose in primitive socieities. And I suppose they still fulfill roles in modern society. I never developed it into a sociological theory though. If you decide to post a thread, I’d definitely be interested.

You’re definitely not alone.

I look at license plate tabs, just to see if they’re expired or not. When I see someone with expired tabs, I usually become frustrated knowing that person would probably not get pulled over, but were I to swerve just a bit, I probably would. I haven’t been pulled over for any driving infraction in 12 years, but I still get paranoid.

I find John Malkovich’s nose fascinating.

I also know every ingredient in every product within arms reach of the ‘throne’. I have a few of those bathroom reading books, but it’s just not the same.

I chew the inside of my mouth.

Oh no, I like that movie too! I’m a sucker for a musical, and that was my first experience with Christian Bale.

Continuing with thread…

Am I the only one who plays games like mindsweeper and solitaire obsessively while they surf online?

Who likes to watch the trailer right before they watch the movie?

I also like to play with the numbers on a digital clock. I try to use some form of math to get the minutes to equal the hours. It’s a little wierd.