Americans are unsure witch country to invade


We don’t need to stay home for these gastronomic treats. For instance, we can go to China, which according to this report has over 1,000 KFC outlets and 560 McDonald’s.

India shut down a couple of KFCs (in Bangalore and Delhi) for supposed health violations, including there allegedly being too much MSG in the chicken. So I say we invade India in retaliation.

Pakistan will be grateful, and we can reclaim all those lost call-center jobs. :smiley:

If we need to figure out witch country to invade, I suggest En-Dor.

You’re right, of course.
I meant “twee”.

And while you’re there, you can stop at the museum.

I think it might by Ozzies. Oz is witch country, you know. And munchkins are living in bondage!

Does Evil Captor know about this?

I always thought carpet-bombing Belgium would be the thing to do, as it wouldn’t take long, but it’d still seem like you accomplished something that afternoon.
Then invade Italy, so our boys can go somewhere nice for a change. Not counting Grenada ('cause only about 12 or so of our troups got to do that one), the US military hasn’t invaded any place fun to go for a good 6 decades. Plus it’d really piss of the French.