Another Craigslist Idiot

AWESOME is an acronym?

Well that just blew my own pileon didn’t it? :smack: I was referring to the ASAP part and somehow missed the second capped word. :smack::smack:

It’s raining prepubescent boys…

Sign on Church: Closed due to AWESOME weather.

You have not kept up to date apparently.

Comic Sans rulz now with us web developers.
That, and the hookers.

Just sayin’.

Yes, I have hit the freaking lower skid-marks of humanity by looking at Craigslist for work. I plan on living under the interstate bridge next if only I could find someone giving me a free tent to use.

Oh, and a free hooker or two might help me in my quest. :wink:

Actually, I just moved and am new to this area of the USA and looked at Craigslist to see what kind of housing, furniture, and other stuff that might happen to be available.
Checking the Jobs section was a natural selection for me because, as you said, sometimes it does pay off.
I need work here and it is another resource to check.
I could use the money to pay the rent and put food on the table.
But Mr. Moron just rubbed me the wrong way. ::shrugs::

And there we have it. The ‘move’. Of the stressful events in life, moving is up in the top 5. No one would be surprised if you flipped out and murdered a Girl Scout who rang the doorbell right in the middle of Judge Judy, or ran over an old lady who was crossing the street too slowly. Some dumbass posting on Craig’s List is certainly a valid reason to blow a fuse.

So having BTDT, I decided to delete the paragraph designed to push you over the edge. Just chill dude. And stop looking at want ads on Craig’s List. I know that’s where the hot jobs are always listed, but you’ll just have to settle for less.

Unfortunately, due to recent changes, posting there to look for free hookers is more difficult. You have to pretend you’re looking for free massage services now or something. Don’t give up though, there must be tons of free hookers out there who just can’t connect with their potential customers.

There used to be a fun website called devoted to pointing out and mocking job ads (usually but not always IT-related) for grossly-underpaid positions or those with ridiculous or impossible requirements. (I wish it was still around; last time I checked even they didn’t have any cached copies. Maybe they don’t like naughty words in URLs.)

Ditto. I had some freelance work dry up this summer, so I checked Craigslist, and got depressed by how small-time and amateur the job posters were.

As a Graphic Designer, I have been misled, used and stiffed enough that I’ve learned to just walk away from “AWESOME opportunities”.

So many people think “Well, I’ll find a young designer that’ll do tons of work just for a portfolio piece”, or “just for the publicity”. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve seen a thinly-veiled “No money, but tons of great exposure!”

And you see a LOT of that on Craigslist… because there’s a lot of that attitude around.
People who’d never try that with their plumber or mortgage lender will think “Hey, I can milk a web designer for ideas and then just… ummm… make a website… yeah, or get my girlfriend’s nephew to do it… or I can find a tutorial on YouTube…hey, isn’t there software I can torrent that anyone can use to build a site?”

Or they’re going for the oldest scam in the book, that wasn’t mentioned above:
Have you do a bunch of work, and then never pay you.

Many inexperienced business-types don’t realize that this is what they’ll end up doing, but when cash doesn’t come rolling in like they’d thought from their website/book/magazine/brochure, paying the designer isn’t that high on the priorities.

Unfortunately, I’ve seen this with a lot of “youngtrepeneurs”. [hey, I just made up a word! I should quick write the book and go on talk shows…]

Sadly, if this were three years ago, I could tell you EXACTLY who was posting that ad. Guy I’m thinking of left town, though.

Sounds like the guy who posted that ad is some penniless chump who just got back from seeing a matinee of “The Social Network” and decided he was going to be the next Mark Zuckerberg. Only problem is he has -zero- computer skillz.
So he has his AWESOME idea in his head for the next facebook. Now all he has to do is find somebody to design it for him. Sure he has no money to pay that person but he just knows that once his webmaster hears the idea he’ll jump on the opportunity and together they’ll make billions. He’ll pay his webmaster his money after he makes his billions though. It was his idea though so he keeps the profits, right?

Where did you move to?

I don’t exactly feel sorry for someone who falls for the oldest scam in the book. If you aren’t starting with a down payment, and haven’t ascertained the ability of the client to pay, the fault is entirely your own.

I warn shady characters with this old adage:

Fool me once, shame on me. Fool me twice, and I’ll pop a cap in your ass.

He moved, I’ve been here for over a decade. =P

“Party like its 1999” keeps going through my head for some reason. :smiley:

We’re cool. Just poking fun. I can’t let a straight line go by.

But WHY do I keep finding the guy* who has The Next Big Idea… but no money. Ah, but “no money” would only be one small, easily addressed problem.

This guy has no money but is skillful at hiding that fact, AND firmly believes that you don’t really need to be paid in actual cash … because you’ll no doubt fall under the spell of his personality and charm and put your mortgage and food bills on hold for an indeterminate length of time until HE makes it big and tosses you some spare change.

A friend of mine ends up taking these guys* to small claims court a couple of times a year… where they don’t show up for their court date, and he has a heck of a time collecting once they disappear.

*(yes, it’s always a “guy” in both my cases and my friend’s, and often a minority, but I ain’t opening that can of worms).

Speaking of which, why does everyone hate Comic Sans anyway?

Because it is the devil.

I think I would send the guy an e-mail saying “WE ARE.” A Penn State alumnus would have correctly responded “PENN STATE”. A Penn State student would respond “WTF”, and a townie would tell you to fuck off. Either way, you’d know what you were getting.