AP reporting Obama opting out of public funding system.

Here’s the Washington Post’s Candidate Fact Checker about the Obama pledge.

In part:

I would say exactly the same thing I’m saying now. That he was breaking a pledge (or at least the appearance of a pledge), but that he’d be an idiot not to. I think the “if the shoe was on the other foot” is specious in this case. This board is not that mindlessly disingenuous.

Oh, I see what I was missing! Not getting public funding is a BAD thing. I didn’t know that.

I suppose it’s because you no longer have to follow government rules for campaign finances-- yes?

And here I was feeling all sorry for McCain because Bush stepped on his dick in this matter. Now I see he’s doing McCain a favor.

Yes. This is what it says on the Donation page of Obama’s website:


I don’t want a secular saint to offer in sacrifice to the Pubbie machine. I want someone who will fight to win, because we need to win. As has already been noted, McCain has no standing to cry about hypocrisy, he has already played fast and loose with the rules, and I have no doubt that he will, substantially, get away with it.

That’s what I was remembering. McCain’s people are already calling Obama a liar and saying there were no negotiations. I don’t particularly believe them, but I’m just saying that this outcome was a certainty.

Well, there are notable exceptions.

There certainly are. There certainly are.


We are remiss if we do not congratulate Shodan for his cogent and carefully reasoned post. A beacon to us all.

That story’s not over yet:
Democrats Say They Will Seek to Force Probe of McCain Funding (June 17)

McCain has been spending private money since February for what is basically a general election campaign. What a disingenuous crybaby twit he is to whine about Obama.

Well, this article in the NY Times, says that John McCain withdrew first, in anticipation that Obama “would find a way to retreat.”

What a load of crap.

They go on to repeatedly blame and finger-point at Obama, this being all his fault, you know, in spite of not even being the nominee at that point. But then at the end, we get to the part about the questionnaire. I did recall incorrectly – he did put that caveat right on the questionnaire, and it clearly didn’t make or imply a “commitment”.

So, I found the actual questionnaire (pdf file), complete with answers from Hillary Clinton, Mike Huckabee, John McCain, Barack Obama and Ron Paul. Here are some excerpts:

Well, there you have it. I flat out don’t see any reneging on any commitments here. In February 2007 he made a proposal, not a promise. He came up with a plan that required agreement between the parties. That agreement was pursued by his legal team, but McCain did not agree to the terms. This is all just another political smear job by the McCain camp.

Barack Obama is 100% right and John McCain is a lying weasel.

Here’s a video from Obama explaining why his campaign is opting out of public funding.

Sent in an email to, I believe, people who have donated to his campaign.

Good work, Shayna! Wow. McCain is the sleaziest pig I’ve seen in a long time.

What’s the point of having a public campaign financing system if folks can ignore it?

I’d rather Sen. Obama go the public route but, alas, he’s hardly the first candidate to “opt out”. The real fault lies in the campaign finance law itself. Either make it mandatory, or kill it.

There may be a handful of exceptions, but I don’t think the board is disingenuous (mindlessly or otherwise). I think the board is biased, which is inevitable and not really detractive at all.

McCain seems to be all over the place with this. In and out and in again.

I am outraged that Obama saved the American taxpayer $80 million.

So what happens to these funds when they go unused? Do they move into another pot, or sit there until the next election cycle?