Are Democrats More Generous Than Republicans?

Nonsense. The study clearly shows that Republicans and Democrats both order Domino’s.

What I’m sure has happened is that due to vicious Republican oppression, these noble Democrats have been forced to stay in their humble, blue collar abodes for fear of public persecution by crypto-fascists in the CIA, FBI and DoD (also known collectively as The Man) and order their pizza from generic national chains.

Republicans, with no other explanation ready, apparently enjoy Domino’s. It’s sick, really.

So what goes best with a whale blubber and lichen pizza? LaBlatts or Moulson?

This from the country that produces Labatt?

These Canadians have been developing quite the attitude, of late. I say we raise their rent.

Great. Does that mean we have to deal with more of their “quarters” in circulation?

Mmmmm, I take your point. A cash increase would be more trouble than its worth. Perhaps they could surrender the fishing rights to all inland waters. Then we could say “All your bass are belong to us!”

Mightent we need to start importing workers to fill the uh, well, jobs you mentioned earlier? Perhaps we could import some sort of cross country hummers?

Democrats are more generous than Republicans with OTHER people’s money

No, no, no, yorick73. Read the article. Democrats are more generous to people who service them.

You know… like the borg.

Tax me. Tax me till my eyes bleed.

Tax me until not one child goes to a second-rate school without breakfast and little prospect of lunch. Until we can offer genuine opportunity rather than bilious and self-serving blather about entreprenuership and bootstraps. Tax me until my grandmother’s drug benefits are on a par with the millionaire’s club members who decide her fate. Tax me until the poorest and weakest of our fellow citizens have the same protection against want and need as those who are perfectly content to leave them so.

Comfort the afflicted, afflict the comfortable. Its a plan!

If only the rest of the liberals were so honest about their intentions as you, elucidator.

And if only the conservatives were willing to live the sentimental bilge they solemnly intone when in church, I wouldn’t even be necessary.

Now, Now, we were having a nice conversation about pizza, beer and hum jobs. Do we really have to bring politics in here and ruin it?

As put by P J O’Rourke: When Republicans ruin the environment, destroy the supply of affordable housing, and wreck the industrial infrastructure, at least they make a buck off it. The Democrats do these things for fun.

Yeah, ol’ P.J. is a stitch, I’ve read every word. I’ve gotten a bit bored with him constantly telling me about how he used to be a hippy and now he has a drinking problem. I guess we’re supposed to think that was a smart move. Hell, maybe it was.

Of course, the quote is an utter crock o’ shit, but I don’t let the facts get in the way of a good line. Jokes are good for you. Hope his liver holds out.

On the alternate view, Willie Nelson: I gave up whiskey for weed in 1974, may be the only smart thing I ever did.

Sure. With other peoples’ money.

I just realized that what I posted was posted before. But it’s a good point and needed said again.

The only time you’ll find this conservative in a church is if somebody is getting married or somebody died.


How does the saying go: If you’re not a liberal in your 20s you have no heart. If you’re not a conservative in your 30s you have no brain.

I always liked the one about the puppies who were democrats when they were born but then switched when their eyes opened.