Ariel Sharon is an evil bastard - he gives Jews a bad name.

It could possibly have a positive PR feeback, though I’m not sure I would like to be put in a situation where I would feel the need to state I’m a loyal french (but then, I’m not Jew, and I’ve an issue with nationalism, too).

The main criticism is aparently that they’re being used to further Sharon’s goal, and that their opinion isn’t taken into consideration (I remember similar comments, though not so widely publicized, a couple years ago, from french Jewish representative at some international meeting taking place in the USA). But apart from that, the various declarations of Jewish representatives I read definitely showed a fear that Sharon’s statements could backfire on french Jews in the current climate.

I’m quite convinced that french Jews already knew about this option.
Since Sharon issued these statements, I read that his goal, besides political motives already mentionned, would be to attract a large number of Jews living in foreign countries to Israel (I read the figure of one million) in order to counterbalance the “demographic advantage” of Israeli arabs, and insure that the Israeli population would would remain massively Jewish (and also to counterbalance the emigration of Jews out of Israel, which seemingly has risen).
France having one of the largest Jewish population, it would make sense to target french Jews. However, it doesn’t seem his speech was perceived as very convincing, and I fail to understand how Sharon could have believed it would be.

So, I’m still wondering what was the actual goal of this comment. I’m not convinced at all it was actually intended for the french Jewish audience, who certainly doesn’t need a speech from Sharon to know about antisemitism in France. So what? Is it part of the pissing contest France and Israel have been engaged in for some time? Was is intended to reach the Israeli audience? Jews from other countries (“look at France : you should better come over here, lest what is happening there could happen to you too”)?

My purely anecdotal perception is indeed that Jews from the maghreb are more right-wing, more conservative, more religious.

But contrarily to your examples, Sharon wasn’t adressing a French Jewish audience. He specifically pointed finger at France in a speech made elsewhere. Hence, he didn’t merely encourage his audience to emigrate to Israel but choose to go after a particular country. So, it’s no surprise that the french government reacted to this attack.

Do you think, that in the examples you gave the US or Italian governments wouldn’t have reacted if told that the situation in their country specifically was so bad that Jews should emigrate “en masse”?

Apart from that, and totally off-topic, I personnally wouldn’t set Berlusconi as an example for anything. I deeply despise this corrupted, racist, self-serving, unprincipled, moronic excuse for a politician.

Since when do we cater to those kinds of people?


I’m not at all saying we should, but to deny that they exist and will probably always exist in some quantity is unrealistic.

Like you’d know Alessan. Dimwit.

Except for the fact that Sharon isn’t persona non grata in France. The french presidency renewed a statement to this effect, I understand because this false claim has been published or broadcasted by some medias.

I also remember reading quite recently an article about the possibility of Sharon making an official visit in France. They didn’t seem to be aware he was persona non grata, either.

Also, Mugabe wasn’t “welcomed with open arms”, either. But Chirac is firmly anchored in the “real politik” camp, and proved to be so many times in the past.

Well, yeah. I am one of those Israelis who “express an informed and nuanced range of opinions”, as you noted just a few posts ago. There’s no reason a European such as yourself should be considered better informed than Americans. Dipshit.

Is there a difference between Jews and Israelis? Well in Israeli eyes?

Is every Jew an Israeli-yet-to-be?

Maybe this should be asked in GQ.

I did 6 months on moshavs back in the 80’s. Three months for a former Iranian Jew and three months for a guy born in Israel but of Polish descent. Both were very patriotic but I never got the impression they wanted to collect up the worlds Jews and bring them “home”. Has this changed?

Who are you calling European? 'Cause I see my name in your quote. Do you mean me? Maybe I’m typing this from one of those Tel Aviv internet cafes. Do you know otherwise?

Feel silly now do you? Then, that’s nothing new is it?

Here’s another helpful hint: If you’ve a problem with what I write, spell it out and we’ll deal. Don’t be the schmuck already.

Of course it’s unrealistic. We know that bigots and various other fucknuts are going to paint broad brushes based on the actions of an individual. Why fret?


Political lies are what you spew
You promised peace, you Zionist Jew.
You’re building walls and killing Arab babies
You’ll always be hated ‘til Palestine’s free.

You’re a Likud hawk
At peace you balk.
Yassir’s the dove
You should sit down and talk.

Yarmulke wearing bastard
You’re to blame.
You give Jew’s a bad name.

If I didn’t worry and obsess, I’d be betraying my heritage. ;j

It’s not just bigots and fucknuts that receive this impression, I am afraid many people think with broad brushes. Even though sarcastic, here rune is also equating Sharon with Jews.

Many people hear Sharon make these divisive comments and assume he is speaking for the Jewish people, as if he’s the Jewish pope or something.

Many people do not separate Jewish ideals with Israeli ideals. Sharons comments further this misunderstanding.

It would be great if the average Joe lsitening to the news realised that Sharon does not speak for Jews. From my experience the fat prick is not just giving Israel a bad name but Jews all over the world as well.

Sharons comments were obviously divisive. Probably intended to increase the divide between Israel and Europe. I do not care if it offends the French, they are big enough to take the insult. What I do care about is Sharon trying to divide the world for political gain.

Ariel Sharon is an evil bastard - he gives Jews a bad name.
Yasser Arafat is an evil bastard - he gives Palestinians a bad name.
George Bush is an evil bastard - he gives Texans a bad name.
Adolf Hitler is an evil bastard - he gives Germans a bad name.
Idi Amin is an evil bastard - he gives Ugandans a bad name.
Pol Pot is an evil bastard - he gives Cambodians a bad name.
Genghis Khan is an evil bastard - he gives Mongolians a bad name.
Lex Luthor is an evil bastard – he gives mad scientists a bad name.
Kodos is an evil bastard - he gives tentacled aliens a bad name.
Godzilla is an evil bastard - he gives giant radioactive lizards a bad name.
Cthulhu is an evil bastard - he gives the Great Old Ones a bad name.

Sharon is every bit the criminal that Arafat is. They’re peas in a pod. That isn’t news, though. Sharon was a known scumbag long before his dumbass comments about France.

Oh, to have Rabin back. What an irony that he was murdered by a Jew.

Not that I’m a Sharon supporter - but I suppose you do have cites for Sharon targetting civilians for murder for the past 40 years? Right? I mean, Sharon is pretty bad, but he comes nowhere close to Arafat! (IMHO, YMMV… of course)

Amen, brother :frowning:


Can I reask this question please.

Meanwhile, Connecticut and Austria get off scot free as usual.

Oh, God. Not another “I’m-not-telling-where-I’m-from-but-I’ll-get-offended-when-you-guess-wrong” game.

Look. He’s not European, and he’s not in Israel.

There. Settled.